
护理学英语(Nursing English) 慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)慢性阻碍性肺病 肺气肿肺气肿 呼吸急促气促;
呼吸浅短气短呼气呼气 缩唇呼吸噘起嘴唇呼吸喘息哮鸣音 音啰音桶状胸桶状胸 厌食症[N”reksi]厌食;
神经性厌食症缺氧[ haipksi组织缺氧低氧];

咳嗽排痰性咳嗽雾化[,nebulaizein ]雾化;
气化 间歇正呼吸(IPPB)间歇正压呼吸 膈肌呼吸膈式呼吸,腹式呼吸慢性支气管炎慢性支气管炎 粘液粘液;
黏液 呼吸困难呼吸困难 低氧血症血氧不足 干罗音干罗音 肺心病肺心病 外周水肿外周水肿 支气管痉挛支气管痉挛 哮喘哮喘 出汗出汗 发绀症发绀 皮下皮下注射 皮内皮内的 静脉静脉内的 肌肉肌肉内的 支气管扩张剂支气管扩张药;
支气管扩张剂 结核肺结核;
结核病 风险因素危险因素 1)拥挤,居住条件差恶劣的生活条件过于拥挤 2)营养状况差营养不良状况 3)机体的机体的毒性毒力 4)既往感染以前的感染 5)酒精滥用酗酒 6)原发感染的治疗治疗原发性不足感染不足 7)密切接触受感染的人近距离接触被感染的人 咯血咯血医];
[医]咳血 不适心神不安 盗汗盗汗;
夜间盗汗 纯化蛋白导数 针相信了 硬结硬结 皮疹皮疹 血小板减少血小板减少(症) 肺炎肺炎 肺炎球菌肺炎球菌 支气管肺炎支气管肺炎 流感流行性感冒 呼吸急促呼吸急促 心动过速心动过速;
心跳过速 青霉素盘尼西林(青霉素) 头孢菌素头孢菌素 支气管扩张支气管扩张 麻疹麻疹;
风疹 百日咳百日咳 外科 呕吐呕吐 腹泻腹泻,痢疾 利尿剂利尿剂 瘘管瘘 充血性心力衰竭(CHF)郁血性心衰竭 肝硬化硬化;
肝硬化 凹陷性水肿压凹性水肿;
指压性水肿 做酸的 碱 代谢性酸中毒代谢性酸中毒 手足搐搦手足抽搐 钾钾 肟钠 肌肉抽筋 呼吸性酸中毒 肺水肿 监测动脉血气(ABG) 注射器注射器,注射筒 休克 血管脉管系统 循环(血液或汁液)循环的 低血容量性休克血量减少性休克 心源性休克心源性休克 栓塞栓塞,栓子 填塞填塞,压塞 主动脉大动脉的 张力性气胸张力性气胸 血管收缩血管收缩 血管舒张血管舒张 交感神经系统交感神经系 儿茶酚胺儿茶酚酶 肾上腺素肾上腺素 去甲肾上腺素降肾上腺素,去甲肾上腺素 醛固酮醛甾酮,醛固酮 副交感神经系统副交感神经系统 小动脉小动脉的 预后预后(指医生对疾病结果的预测) 每搏量每搏量 收缩压收缩压 裂纹湿啰音 急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)急性肺功能衰竭综合征 心律失常 缺血缺血 心肌梗死心肌梗死 坏死坏死的,坏疽的,骨疽的 腹泻腹泻 弥散性血管内凝血弥散性血管内凝血 出血斑瘀癍瘀斑;

有瘀点的瘀点 凝凝结,凝结物 止血止血,止血法 无菌技术无菌技术 术前 胆囊胆囊 肾肾脏 输尿管输尿管的 前列腺增生前列腺增生 疝疝气 阴道阴道的 胸胸部切口 腹部切口剖腹术 肺不张肺不张 静脉淤滞静脉停滞 静脉注射管静脉线 排水管引流管 膝关节和髋关节膝盖和臀部关节 肘肘部 镇痛剂镇痛剂 硬膜外硬脑膜外的 妊娠怀孕 肥胖肥胖 糖尿病糖尿病 胃食管反流胃食道反流 肠梗阻肠梗阻肠阻塞 灌肠剂灌肠] 清洁灌肠清洁灌肠 通便的泻药 腹膜腹膜 便盆便盆 抗生素抗生素 肠道菌群肠菌类 一次性一次性物品 假牙假牙 泌尿系统疾病的泌尿系统疾病 导尿导尿 术后 颅内压颅内压 眼压眼内压 体位性低血压直立性低血压 体位性低血压姿势性低血压 收缩压收缩压 舒张压舒张压 仰卧位仰卧位;
背卧位 出血出血 低血容量血容量减少;
血容量过低 水肿水肿 糖皮质激素皮质类固醇,类固醇 抗凝血剂抗凝剂,抗凝剂;
抗凝血药 广谱抗生素和具体的广谱抗生素和具体的 缺氧组织缺氧;
氧不足 肾功能衰竭肾衰竭 肝脏疾病肝脏疾病 脓毒症败血症,脓毒病 恶心呕吐 呕吐呕吐 打嗝打嗝 尿潴留尿潴留 会阴会阴 病人离开PACU和承认的单位,直接护理措施包括以下几个方面在病人离开PACU并被承认的单位,直接护理人员包括如下 1、评估呼吸和管理补充氧气,如果规定评估呼吸和管理辅助供氧,如果规定的 2、监测生命体征,注意皮肤温暖、潮湿, And color monitors important signs of skin care, warmth, moisture, and color 3, assess, the, surgical, site, and, wound, drainage, systems uate surgical site and trauma drainage system 4, assess, level, of, consciousness, extremities, orientation, and, ability, to, move, uation of consciousness level, positioning, action ability, limbs 5, connect, all, drainage, tubes, to, gravity, or, suction, as, indicated, and, drainage, monitor, closed, systems, connecting all gravity effects, concealed tubes or inhalation, as above and monitoring closed drainage systems 6, assess pain level, characteristics location, quality and timing, type and, route of administration of last pain medication to assess pain level, characteristics location, quality, type, time and route of administration on pain. 7, administer, analgesics, as, prescribed, assess,, their, effectiveness, in, relieving, and pain administered anesthetics to assess their effectiveness in alleviating pain Morning care Vital signs, such as fever, elevated blood pressure or menstrual cramps should be delayed operation. Assist to remove the precious items such as glasses, dentures, hairpins, rings and so on. Bring medical records, X-rays and intraoperative medication or articles into the operation room. Emptying the bladder before entering the operation room, the operation time was long, and the pelvic and perineal operations were indwelling catheter. Digestive tract surgery, put the gastrointestinal decompression tube. according to the anesthesiologist preoperative prescribing, timely delivery. The patient is transferred by bed number, name, gender and name of operation. Bed preparation unit Measuring, vital, signs, such, as, cold, fever, elevated, blood, pressure, or, menstrual,, cramps, should, surgery., be, postponed Assist, take, off, glasses, denture, and, hairpins, rings, valuables, into, families. Will, records, X-ray, and, intraoperatie, medication, or, items, together,, into, the, operating, room. Into, the, operating, room, to, urinate, surgery, before, long, pelvic, perineal, operation,, indwelling, urinary, canal. Gastrointestinal, surgery, put, gastrointestinal, decompression, tube. According, to, anesthesiologist, preoperative, prescribing, give, medicine. According, to, bed, number, name, sex, surgical, name, handover, patients.,, Prepare, bed, unit Through early activities, it can reduce the incidence of bedsore, pneumonia, intestinal adhesion, venous thrombosis and other complications. Through, the, early, activity, can, reduce, bedsore, pneumonia, bowel, adhesion, venous, thromboembolism, etc, complications. Early postoperative ambulation, has the following advantages 1 from the bed can maintain t