
短文填词 1 I experienced something amusing during my stay in London. One night I went to the _______剧院 and I had a very good seat. 1. _______ The p______ was very interesting, but I did not enjoy it. A young 2. ______ man and a young woman were s_____ behind me. They were talking 3._______ loudly. I got very a________ as I could not hear the actors. 4._______ I turned round _____ looked at them angrily. 5._______ However, they did not pay any a________. In the end, 6._______ I could not bear it any longer. I t_____ round again. 7._______ “I can’t h______ a word” I said angrily. 8._______ “It’s none _____ your business,” the young man said 9._______ ________粗鲁地, “This is a private conversation” 10._______ Do you feel amusing after hearing my story 参考答案 1. theatre 2. play 3. sitting 4. angry 5. and 6.attention 7.turned 9. of 10. rudely 2. America is growing older. Fifty years ago, only 4 out of every 100 people in the USA were 65 or older. Today, 10 percent are o_____ 65. 1.________ The aging of the population will a_____ American society in many ways. 2._______ Quietly, the growing of America has made us a very different _______社会 3.________ ---one in which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior is suitable at different a_____. 4._______ A person no longer tells you a_______ about his or her social 5._______ position, marriage or health. There is no longer a _______特别的 year 6.______ in ______ one goes to school or goes to work or gets married 7.______ or starts a family. It doesn’t surprise to h_____ of a 29-year-old 8.______ university present ______ a 35-year-old grandmother, or a 70-year-old 9.______ man who has become a father for the first time. Public i______ are 10.______ changing. Keys. 1. over 2. affect 3. society 4. ages 5. anything 6. particular/ special 7. which 8. hear 9. or 10. ideas 3. One day in a street, a lady was walking along when suddenly she found herself stopped by a beggar. The beggar a_____ her for some money. The lady 1._______ refused, so he turned a_____ sadly and said 2..______ he must do _______ he had made his mind to do. 3.______ At this word, the lady w____ greatly frightened for 4.______ she was afraid for his life. So she c_____ him back and gave 5..______ him a dollar. The beggar took the money ______ thanked 6.______ her a great deal. “You have saved me f______ a horrible 7.______ fate.” The lady asked h____ what he meant. The beggar 8._______ replied, “ Madam, I have been ______ 乞讨 all day, but 9.______ only you have taken pity on me. W_____ this dollar you 10.______ gave me, I should have had to go to work now.” keys. 1.asked 2.away 3. what 4. was 5.called 6. and 7. from 8. him 9. begging 10 Without 4. Music always has a special effect on people. You do not have to know where it comes from and what _______ 语言 it is, but still 1._______ you can enjoy it. Of _____ the music, I like country music best. I like 2._______ the comfortable feeling it gives me. It was on the radio ______ I 3._______ first heard it. Though I can’t r______ the name of the song, 4._______ I remember I was thinking of the blue sky, the g______ land 5._______ and the quiet life in the countryside when I was l_______ to it. 6._______ From then on, I t_____ great interest in country music and bought 7._______ a lot of tapes. In my spare time, I like to play the t_____ and enjoy 8.________ the music m_____. My parents like it, too. They say the music 9.________ always r______ them of the good old days. 10._______ keys. 1. language 2. all 3. that 4. remember 5. green 6. listening 7. took 8. tape 9. myself 10. reminds 3