
Unit 7 Would you mind keeping your voice down 学习目标 1. 知识目标Master words、phases and sentences. 2. 能力目标学会运用所学的多种阅读方法来提高阅读效率。

3. 情感目标培养学生乐于助人、勇于承认错误的思想意识和社会公德意识。

重难点 运用多种阅读方法提高阅读效率、自主学习部分学习任务 I、1’Talk ShowPlease try to blurt out sentences as many as possible we have learnt II、预习展示 ※1. 控制你的音量 2. 一个说英语的国家 3. 社会行为 4. 看起来像 5. 开始,起初 6. 在每种文化 7. 靠近 8. 在一些亚洲国家 9. 感到不舒适 10. 在所有的情境下 11. 说话大声 12. 不被允许 13. 即使 14. 在公共场所 15. 当心小心 16. 破坏规则 17. 最有礼貌的方式之一 18. 熄灭香烟 19. 排队 20. 被批评 21. 扔垃圾 22. 捡起它 ※ please list some polite and impolite behaviors of your life III、学习步骤 Step 1 While you read Finish the following task by using the reading strategies we have learnt Task 1 From the passage, we may know_______. A. how to catch a bus B. speaking to others loudly C. someone who break the rules D. talking loudly on the bus is not good Task2 Read as fast as you can , and find “topic sentence” to each paragraph. Paragraph 1 . Paragraph 2 . Paragraph 3 . Paragraph 4 . Task 3True or False 判断对错 1.In Europe, standing very close to the person with whom you are talking is quite common. 2.Talking loudly in public is allowed in China. 3.It is better to keep your voice down in public places. 4.“ Would you mind” is a polite way to give people suggestions. 5.We have to be careful to make requests. 6.Rules of etiquette are always different. Task 4 Please finish 3a in 2 minutes. Step 2 After you reading Finish these following tasks in groups. Task 1 Read Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks. What’s the meaning of etiquette It means ______ and _______ social ________. Task 2 找一找读第二段,找出含有动名词做主语的句子并把学过的句子添加上 Task 3 读第三段,根据要求回答问题 1. 找出本段中动词不定式做表语的句子 2. 找出本段中含有的被动语态句子并把学过的句子添加上 3. 找出本段中的条件状语从句 精华语句背诵 1. If you spend some time in an English-speaking country, you might hear the term ‘etiquette’. 2 . If you do this in Europe, some people might feel uncomfortable. 3. If we see someone breaking the rules of etiquette, we may give them some suggestions politely. 4. Even if you are with your friends, it is better to keep your voice down in public places. 5. In fact, we should also take care not to cough or sneeze loudly in public if possible. 6. People don’t usually like to be criticized, so we have to be careful how we do this. 7. For example, dropping litter is almost never allowed. Tip Respect each other Care for each other 相互尊重 相互关爱 Make our world more civilized and more beautiful 使我们的世界更文明、更美丽 Homework ★ Surf the Internet and find different rules of etiquette in foreign countries. Share with your group. ★★Please write down some impolite behaviors in our school3