
is one of the practical of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, peoples behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that persons value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly advocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlook, attitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to uate perance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart perance, creating “serve for one officer, the benefit of“ achievements, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of peoples perance. Achievement uation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, depending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about “values“ are worthless and leave people to talk about “Outlook“ is not what the perance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to meet. It is said that in the “agricultural society, people plant“; in “industrial society, man is an animal“; “the ination society, return云南龙瑞高速公路第七合同段实时性施工组织设计 云南龙陵~瑞丽高速公路第7合同段 实施性施工组织设计 第 一 分 册 编 制 审 核 技 术 负 责 二0一二年四月十九日 表1 施工组织的文字说明 第一章 总体施工组织布置及规划 第一节 工程概况 一、编制说明 ㈠ 编制依据 1、国家高速公路网横12杭州至瑞丽公路第7合同段招标文件;





6. 国家、交通部颁布的有关施工技术规范、验收标准、法规文件;


㈡ 编制原则 1.遵循资格招标文件要求的原则。










㈢ 项目概况 1、自然条件 ⑴ 地理位置 龙陵(龙山卡)至瑞丽(弄岛)高速公路以下简称“龙瑞高速公路”7合同段起点K29130,位于老窝头以西山梁接6合同止点,之后路线由东向西沿山脊布线,经南天门、大岔凹至橄榄坡,止于橄榄坡以西山梁上K32400,路线全长3.27km。

⑵ 地形、地质条件 本合同位于德宏州芒市以东山岭斜坡地带,属构造剥蚀中山中切割长垣垄状地形地貌区,地形起伏大,山高坡陡,峭壁耸立,岩体裸露,沟深林密,植被很发育。地质为上部覆灰褐、灰黄、灰白色含碎石粉质黏土、碎石土,下伏基岩位寒武系、灰黄、灰白色夹暗褐、肉红色白云岩、白云质结晶灰岩,局部为砂质板岩、变质砂岩、花岗片麻岩。

⑶ 水文气象 本项目区属热带~亚热带季风气候区,冬季多为干暖西风,夏季则转为偏南的温湿气流,从而形成了冬干夏雨,干湿分明,雨量充沛,分布不均的特点。5~9月为雨季,常见有暴雨,使得江河水位急涨,造成洪涝灾害。连续降雨可达20余日者屡见不鲜,最长可达50天,龙陵一带是全国有名的降雨带。10月至次年4月为旱季,空气干燥,日照充足,风疾尘厚,久晴不雨,时有旱情发生。本合同段区内年平均气温19.5℃,最高35.7℃,最低0.7℃。平均年降雨量1651.7mm,最大1959.8mm,蒸发量1682mm,相对湿度80。


2、沿线筑路材料、水、电、通讯及其它条件 本合同段以软质岩组的结晶岩、白云岩为主,加之受龙陵~瑞丽大断裂及其次断断裂影响,沿线岩石十分破碎,以全强、强风化为主,故本合段总体上石料十分缺乏,需从其它地方调运石料。

㈣ 水、电、木材、水泥、钢材、炸药及油料 1、水 工程区内有河沟、坝塘、水库,水资源丰富,大部分地段水质纯净,对混凝土无侵蚀性,可用做生活及施工用水。

2、电 沿线有高压电力线,工程用电可与当地电力部门协商解决,新线路可架设临时电力线路,局部路段必要时可考虑自发电。

3、钢筋、钢绞线、水泥 为保证工程质量,工程用钢筋、钢绞线、水泥等大型材料及支座、伸缩缝等桥梁材料由供货方运至工地仓库。

4、炸药、油料等材料 炸药由当地公安部门派专人或部门供应,设立独立的炸药仓库,建立健全领批制度,专人管理,并配备警犬和24小时值班人员。油料可在昆明购买,采用油罐车运输。

二、工程概况 ㈠ 工程基本概况 龙瑞高速公路起于保山龙陵,至于德宏瑞丽,是国家高速公路网的重要组成部分,是滇西运输的大动脉,是亚洲公路网A14线、中国东盟交通合作战略规划中“四纵三横”主通道。

(二) 主要技术指标