
江苏省连云港市新浦中学八年级英语下册8B Unit 1 Past and Present Grammar教学案(无答案) 牛津版 学习目标 1. 识记动词的过去分词形式。

2. 能够在语境中正确运用现在完成时。

3. 运用现在完成时讨论发生在过去并与现在有联系的事情。

4. 理解并运用与现在完成时连用的时间表达方式。

5. 掌握以下内容 词汇 repair sentence yet recently century ever just own 词组 by the way 句型Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born. Eddie has lived with Millie for four years. Have you seen any exhibitions recently 教学重点,难点 1.现在完成时的构成。

2. 在语境中正确运用现在完成时。

3. 与现在完成时连用的时间表达方式。

一、 课前自学 认真阅读语法现在完成时,并用红笔划出疑问部分。

二、 课堂学习过程 (一)预习情况交流 检查现在完成时的预习情况。

(二)学习、 探究 1. 导入 1 复习Reading 部分,引出现在完成时。

(1)How long has Mr Chen lived in Sunshine Town 2 When did Mr Chen get married 3 There have been many changes in this town. What has the centre of town become 4 How does Mr Chen feel from time to time 2 Ask What do you think of the changes Is life better now 请学生结合自己的生活发表意见。

2. 呈现 1) 板书学生回答中出现的现在完成时的句子。

He has lived in Sunshine Town since he moved there with his family when he was two years old. It has become a park. 2 向学生提问,继续呈现学生的答句。

(1) How long have you lived in this city 2 How long have you studied in this junior high school (3) How long have you studied English 4 What have you studied these days 5 Where have you travelled recently 3 提醒学生注意现在完成时和一般过去时的区别。




7)教师用一般疑问句进行提问 Have you studied English for four years Have you travelled to Shanghai recently 呈现现在完成时一般疑问句形式及答语; Have/Has past participle Yes,have/has. No,have /has not./ No, haven’t/hasn’t. 指导学生看课本第15页的表格,加深印象。


9 指导学生看课本第16页的表格,加深印象。

3. 练习 (1) 完成课本第14页A1部分的练习。

(2) 完成课本第15页A2部分的练习。

(3) 完成课本第17页的对话 (三)拓展延伸 用正确的时态完成句子。

1)Hurry up Lunch already begin. 2 he ever ride a bike 3 Li Ming (hurt) his arm last week. He already stay in bed for five days. 4 Yesterday, she buy one book in the bookshop. She not read it since then. 5 I already losemy pen. I buy it two days ago. 选择正确的时间副词填空。

1)Have you done your homework for, just, yet 2 I have been to Chengdu. for, never, yet 3 He has worked there he left school. already, just, since 4 She has known Sam nine years. for, never, since 5 Have you ridden a horse ever, for , yet (四)回顾小结 现在完成时的构成和用法 (五)当堂巩固练习 (六)布置作业