
湖北浠水县2017高考英语阅读理解九月选编(五) 【2016高考训练题】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。

I knew a man, a very tall, gentle man, for several years before I found out that he visited prisoners in our local prison, week in and week out for decades. He would write letters for them, carry messages, fetch clothing or books. But mainly he just offered himself. He did not lecture to them, didn’t pick and choose between those he liked and disliked and didn’t look for any return on his kindness. All that mattered was that they were in trouble. Why did he spend time with prisoners when he could have been playing golf or watching TV “I go in case everyone else has given up on them,” he told me once. “I’ll never give up.” Never giving up is a quality we honor in athletes, in soldiers, in survivors of disasters, in patients recovering from severe injuries. If you struggle bravely against strong opponents(对手), you are likely to end up on the evening news. But in less flashy, less newsworthy s, devotion to a task, or a person, or an occupation shows up in countless lives all around us. It shows up in parents who will not quit loving their daughter even after she dyes her hair purple, tattoos (纹身)her belly and runs off with a rock band. It shows ill couples who choose to mend their marriages instead of ending it. It shows up in volunteers at the hospital or library, it shows up in unsung people everywhere who do their job well, not because the boss is watching or because they are paid large amounts of money but because they know their work matters. 1. Why did the man visit the prisoners every week _______. A. That’s his jobs. B. He wanted to teach them a lesson. C. He was a postman. D. He wanted to show care and offer help. 2. From the third paragraph, we can infer that when never giving up is mentioned, people are likely to relate it to ________. A. unknown people B. people facing challenges C. the divorced couples D. the hospital volunteers 3. What quality does the author value most according to the text A. The courage to fight against strong opponents. B. The kindness of your friends and family members. C. The faithfulness of unsung people around us. D. The strong will of the survivors of disasters. 4. The author mentions the story of the gentleman in order to ________. A. introduce the theme B. state a fact C. criticize the prisoners D. cover a story 本文通过讲述一位绅士每周去探望囚犯的故事引入话题谈及永不言弃的精神时,人们更可能联想到面对挑战的人们,比如文中所列举的运动员、士兵、灾难中的幸存者等等。但作者认为那些默默无闻,生活在我们周围的普通人不为名利,却对人、对事忠诚如一的品质才是最可贵的。

1. D从第一、二段中可以得知,这位绅士每周都去探望囚犯,从不对他们进行说教,而且尽可能帮助他们,不求回报。尤其是从第二段他的回答中可知,因为别人已经放弃这些囚犯,所以他将永远不会放弃他们。由此得知,这位绅士所作一切完全出于关爱,为了 提供帮助。

2. B从第三段第一、二句话中所提到的运动员、士兵、灾难中的幸存者以及与对手抗争的人,可知人们经常将永不言弃的品质和这些面临挑战和困境的人联系起来。

3. C从第三段But in less flashy, less newsworthy s, devotion to a task, or a person, or an occupation shows up in countless lives all around us.这句中可以从作者的语气中推知,那些生活在我们周围的未被歌颂的人们所表现出的,不为名利,却对人或事忠诚不渝的品质更令人钦佩。从第四段作者所列举的例子中也可以看出来。

4. A通读全文,可以看出。这位绅士行为以及他所表现出来的品质,正是作者下文铺陈文字要赞扬的。因此可知作者介绍他的故事是为了引出本文主题。

[2013新课标全国卷Ⅰ] 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项。

The National Gallery Description The National Gallery is the British national art museum built on the north side of Trafalgar Square in London. It houses a diverse collection of more than 2,300 examples of European art ranging from 13th-century religious paintings to more modern ones by Renoir and Van Gogh.The older collections of the gallery are reached through the main entrance while the more modern works in the East Wing are most easily reached from Trafalgar Square by a ground floor entrance. Layout The modern Sainsbury Wing on the western side of the building houses 13th- to 15th-century paintings,and artists include Duccio,Uccello,Van Eyck,Lippi,Mantegna,Botticelli and Memling. The main West Wing houses 16th-century paintings,and artists include Leonardo da Vinci,Cranach,Michelangelo,Raphael,Bruegel,Bronzino,Titian and Veronese. The North Wing houses 17th-century paintings,and artists include Caravaggio,Rubens,Poussin,Van Dyck,Velzquez,Claude and Vermeer. The East Wing houses 18th- to early 20th-century paintings,and artists include Canaletto,Goya,Turner,Constable,Renoir and Van Gogh. Opening Hours The Gallery is open every day from 10 am to 6 pmFridays 10 am to 9 pmand is free, but charges apply to some special exhibitions. Getting There Nearest underground stations Charing Cross2-minute walk, Leicester Square3-minute walk,Embankment7-minute walk,and Piccadilly Circus8-minute walk. 68.In which centurys collection can you see religious paintings A.The 13th. B.The 17th. C.The 18th. D.The 20th. 69.Where are Leonardo da Vincis works shown A.In the East Wing. B.In the main West Wing. C.In the Sainsbury Wing. D.In the North Wing. 70.Which underground station is closest to the National Gallery A.Picca