
1 安徽省铜都双语学校2014年高中英语 Unit1 Project Anti smoking ad campaign 导学案 牛津译林版必修 1 佳句赏析 大声朗读三遍 This is why we have chosen anti smoking as the subject of our ad campaign 这就是为什么我们选择反吸烟作为我们的广告活动的主题 自研课导学 时段 晚自习 预习内容及目标 预习课本P19 内容 借助字典 扫清单词障碍 了解文章大意 晨读课 熟读 P18 19 的单词及课文 展示课导学 一 学 习 内 容 M4 Unit 1 Project Anti smoking ad campaign 第十一课时 二 学习主题 1 通过这篇文章的学习 学会如何策划广告宣传活动 2 掌握文章中 重点字 词 句和段落 三 定向导学 互动展示 Self study Self exploration Cooperation Exploration Show Improvement Conclusion Summarization 自学指导 内容 学法 时间 15 互动策略 内容 形式 时 间 23 展示方案 内容 形式 时 间 22 随堂笔记 成果记录 知识生成 同步演练 2 热身活动 导生导学 If you want to build an ad campaign What ad campaign do you want to build Step1 初读 揣测文章大 意 亲爱的同学们 请将课本翻 到 P19 让我们带着随堂笔 记处的问题 整体感知这篇 文章并初步了解文章的大 意 并回答这些问题 Step2 再读 理解全文 同学们请再次仔细研读这 篇文章 深入理解文章 注 意文章的细节 然后联系上 下文在右边Step2 处填出 所缺单词 并记住这些单 词 I really appreciate you Step3 品读 精彩呈现 同学们在研读完这篇文章 之后 一定有些单词 短语 句子或者段落打动你 请用 心记住 并将这些触动你们 心灵的单词 短语 句子或 者段落记录在Step3 精彩 呈现处 Step4 诵读 读出语感 至此 相信亲爱的同学们已 经完成随堂笔记的所有任 务了 那么现在请同学们轻 轻的放下笔 双手拿起课 本 大声有感情地朗读这篇 文章 请想象一下 你现在 在是坐在绿草茵茵的草坪 上 万里无云 凉风习习 Pair Work 10 1 与你的合作 对子交流讨论 step1 的问题 并从原文中找 出有关的依据 2 选择四人相 互 间 一 人 讨 论 step2的 单 词 填空 并谈谈你 这么填的理由 Group Work of Five 3 组长主持 带领 组员挑选最喜 欢的段落进行 有感情的大声 朗读 注意语音 语调 争取人人 会读 Team Work of Ten 10 组长主持 全员 参与 A 十人共同体 讨论如何策划 广告宣传活动 B 交流你们找 到的好词好句 并把你们认为 好的词句板书 在黑板上 展示主题一 解 疑答惑 组长带领组员展 示 step1 step2 的问题 展示时 要有理有据 要求 分工明 确 展示紧凑详 细 声音洪亮 非展示成员检查 其他小组的倾听 认真度 展示主题二 精 彩再现 组长带领组员展 示出你们的精彩 之处 注意板书 丰满工整 三色 笔使用恰当 讲 解详细到位 注 意与同学互动 要求 分工明 确 讲解详细 声音洪亮 非展 示成员检查其他 小组的倾听认真 度 展示主题三 原 音重现 组长带领组员请 有感情的朗读这 篇文章 并采用 不 同 的 竞 读 方 式 注意语音语 调 要求 分工明 确 展示紧凑详 细 声音洪亮 非展示成员检查 其他小组的倾听 认真度 Step1 1 What is the subject of this ad campaign 2 Why do they build this ad campaign 3 Who is the target audience for this ad campaign 4 What is the ad campaign aimed to do 5 What is the slogan for this campaign Step2 Anti smoking ad campaign Smoking is 1 c with lung cancer and heart disease The main aim is to make young people 2 d from smoking Young people 3 t up smoking because they think it is cool Those who smoke often smell 4 t Young people might 5 p pressure on their parents after knowing about the harm of smoking More ination is 6 a on the Internet and in the school magazines The logo is to make people 7 s and realize many smokers die from illnesses and diseases related to smoking Step3 精彩呈现处 A B C D 3 请尽情的享受这属于你一 个人的美好朗读时光 Open your mouths everybody Keys campaign aim target research create message ination appeal react ways across approach reach 等级评定 训练课导学 1 时段 晚自习 2 时间 20 3 训练方式 独立 自主完成 日日清过关 巩固提升三级达标训练题 姓名自评 师评 批阅日期 一 基础题 1 There that he is the cleverest students in the whole class 2 The emperor was so cruel that many people him 3 The weather these days is terrible Many people a cold 4 As is known many amazing changes in this city in the past 20 years 5 Traffic at this time is usually heavy We d better set out time take place no doubt rise up against stand in one s path grow tired of turn back ahead of come down with 4 6 One of our boats had to because it was taking in water 7 During the revolution many people who were killed by the king 8 Finally the boy playing computer games all day 二 提高题阅读理解 Once a neighbor stole one of Washington s horses Washington went with a police officer to the neighbor s farm to get the horse but the neighbor refused to give the horse up he claimed 声称 that it was his horse Washington placed both of his hands over the eyes of the horse and said to the neighbor If this is your horse then you must tell us in which eye he is blind In the right eye The neighbor said Washington took his hand from the right eye of the horse and showed the police officer that the horse was not blind in the right eye Oh I have made a mistake said the neighbor he is blind in the left eye Washington then showed that the horse was not blind in the left eye either I have made another mistake said the neighbor Yes said the police officer and you have also proved that the horse does not belong to you You must return it to Mr Washington 1 Why did Washington go to the neighbor s farm with a police officer A Because the neighbor was the police officer s friend B Because he wanted to make the neighbor return the horse C Because the police officer was Washington s friend D Because they were invited to the neighbor s farm 2 When Washington and the police officer reached the neighbor s farm the neighbor A immediately admitted that he had stolen the horse B received them warmly C said he had lost a horse too D didn t want to give the horse back to Washington 3 When Washington asked the neighbor to tell them in which eye the horse was blind the neighbor A didn t say anything B knew the horse wasn t blind at all C thought the horse was really blind D said he had stolen the horse 4 According to the passage the horse A was not blind at all B belonged to Washington s neighbor C was stolen by the police officer D was not returned to Washington 5 From the passage we know A Washington was a wise man B Washington s neighbor was cleverer than Washington C t