
(陕旅版)四年级英语下册教案Lesson 5 What are you doing 上一课我们学习了现在进行时态表示某人正在干什么。这节课我们进一步学习现在进行时态,重点学习现在进行时态的特殊疑问句What are you/they doing What is he/she doing Im ,Is she 等句型和make a present, Friday, draw a picture, listen to the radio, sing songs等词汇。同时教育学生学会使用礼貌用语并关心他人。

教学目的及重难点分析 1.会说会用这些句子 Im making a present for my mother in my room. What are they/you/pupils doing What is he she doing Is she listening to the radio 2.会说会用会写这些单词 make a present, Friday, draw a picture ,listen to the radio, sing songs 3. 初步了解感叹句. 4. 会说、会用日常口语Let me help you. Thanks a lot. Thats OK. 课前准备 1. 教师以25页的主图为参考,准备一个flash课件来引出本课话题。

2. 教师准备文具pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, bag 等。

3. 录音机和相关部分的录音带。

4. make a present, Friday, draw a picture ,listen to the radio, sing songs 的单词卡片。

5. 妈妈的照片,周五的日历。

6. 27,28和29页的图片若干套。

7. 已做好的礼物一个。

8. 师生准备洗脸的毛巾,画画的彩笔,电视,收音机,唱歌用的话筒,作业本和笔,做礼物用的剪刀,彩纸,彩带等。

教学过程 1. 热身(Warming up) 1)游戏“捉迷藏” 教师出示文具pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, bag 之后告诉学生All of these are mine. They can move. Please close your eyes.教师将文具藏在课桌底下/桌子上,书包里,文具盒里等问I cant find my ruler, Where is it 用此方法复习Where is /are Its in/on/under句型。

2老师播放flash课件引出话题,课件内容可这样设计对话 Mary Mum, Mum, where is my crayon Mum Its in your pencil-case. What are you doing, Mary Mary Im making a present for my friend-LiShan. This Friday is her birthday. Mum Thats great. Oh, what day is today Mary Its Wednesday. Mum Wednesday, Only one day is left. Let me help you. Mary Thank you, Mum. 2.新课展示(New Presentation) 老师通过事先准备好的教具和单词卡片讲解本课重点句型及词汇,并将重点句型及词汇(红色标注)写在黑板上。

1)老师拿出彩纸和剪刀做礼物,边做边说Make a present. Make a present. Lets make a present. 学生也拿出事先准备好的彩纸和剪刀开始做礼物。

老师问What are you doing 老师引导学生说I am making a present. 老师出示星期五的日历说 This Friday is my mothers birthday. (出示母亲的照片)。(边做礼物边说)Im making a present for her. 老师展示已作好的礼物,Present, present, its a present. Its a present for my mother. 2 老师走到一位女同学面前问What about you 老师引导女同学回答Im making a present for my grandmother. 老师伸出大拇指说You are really a nice girl (同时教育学生要关心他人) 边说边拿起她的工具帮她Let me help you .(同时教育学生要主动帮助他人) 女生 Thanks a lot.(同时教育学生当别人帮助你时要及时感谢他人) 两个人一起边做边说We are making presents together. 3)我的课堂我做主 老师可让大家做做自己喜欢的事情。

老师故做随意地开始唱起了一首学生非常喜欢的歌,学生肯定有人加入进来(歌声)老师适时停下并说 T Listen, boys and girls, Beautiful songs 老师故意说一个正在画画的同学的名字Is he /she singing songs Ss No, no, 老师指着那个同学问T What is he/she doing 老师引导学生说She is drawing a picture. Draw a picture, draw a picture. 老师边说边在纸或黑板上画一个男孩在收听收音机的图画。

Now, look at the picture, what is he doing 老师引导学生说He is listening to the radio, listening to the radio. 老师指着一个在收听收音机同学的名字How about xx Is he listening to the radio too Ss Yes, he is listening to the radio. 老师拿出悠悠球边玩边说This is a yo-yo. I am playing with a yo-yo. 老师指着打排球的学生问 T Are xxand xx playing with yo-yo, too Ss No, they arent. T What are they doing Ss They are playing volleyball. T Volleyball, I like playing volleyball, too. Lets join them. 3 小结 1 What are you doing I am dong. 2 Is he/she doing Are the boys/girls /they doing 3 Whatis he /she doing What are the boys/girls/they doing 4 巩固活动 滚雪球,看哪一组的雪球滚的最大。老师让每个小组推选出一名小组长。老师再将27和28页的图片发给每组的其他成员。小组长站在前面依次序问其他的成员 L What are you doing 第1个同学边拿出自己的图片边说I am watching TV. L What are you doing 第2个同学边画画边说I am drawing a picture.组长指着第一个同学问Is he drawing a picture too 第2个同学答No, he isnt. 组长继续问 What is he doing 第2个学生答He is watching TV. L What are you doing 第3个同学边拿出自己的图片边说I am listening to the radio. 组长指着前两个同学问Are they listening to the radio too 第3个同学答No, they arent. 组长继续问 What are they doing 学生指着第一个学生说He is watching TV. 学生指着第二个学生说She is drawing a picture. 依次继续看看哪一组的雪球滚的最大。

5.听录音学习对话 T Lets listen to a dialogue, then answer the questions. (播放对话部分录音,回答问题,看谁回答的又对又快) T Where is Mary Ss She is in her room. T What is she doing Ss She is making a present. T Is it for her mother or her father Ss Its for her mother. T What day is her mothers birthday Ss This Friday. T Is Mary a nice girl Ss Yes, she is. T Does Kate help Mary Ss Yes, she does. 6. 播放Listen, look and match部分录音. 听并连线,看看哪个句子和哪幅图意匹配。

7.做Lets PracticeI. 这部分可设计成一个游戏。老师把28页的图片分别发给学生,然后让学生玩找朋友的游戏。

如学生可拿着自己的图片,走到另一位同学跟前问What are you doing 若该生的回答和自己的一样,I am doing,too. We are friends. 反之,则说Sorry,继续找。

8. Lets Practice II. 老师可将29页的图片分发给学生或让学生做自己喜欢的事情,老师做示范给学生然后将学生分成小组做练习活动。

老师走到一个听收音机同学1跟前T What are you doing 同学1边听收音机边说I am listening to the radio. 老师指着写作业的同学2问 What is he doing Is he listening to the radio, too 同学1说No, he is doing his homework.