
Section Ⅲ Utopia A Changing World 根据提示写出下列单词 1.________ n. 优点,长处 2.________ n. 结构,框架 3.________ n. 盛宴,宴会 4.________ n. 盈余,剩余 5.________ vt. 选举,推选 6.________ adj. 宽大的,仁慈的 7.________ vt.vi. 播种 8.________ n. 相撞 9.________ n. 喷泉,喷水池 10.________ vt. 摇摆,摆动 11.________ vt.vi. 腐烂 12.________ vt. 跳过 13.________ n. 版本 14.________ adj. 有香味的 15.________ vt. 投下 16.________ vt. 着手做,从事 17.________ vt. 挤 18.________ n. 口渴 19.________ n. 容器 20.________ vt. 转达;
传送 【答案】 1.virtue 2.framework 3.feast 4.surplus 5.elect 6.merciful 7.sow 8.collision 9.fountain 10.wag 11.rot 12.skip 13.edition 14.fragrant 15.cast 16.undertake 17.squeeze 18.thirst 19.container 20.relay 根据提示补全下列短语 1.show ________ 炫耀,夸耀 2.knock ________ sb. 撞上某人 3.________ point 转折点 4.set ________ 建立 5.take ________ 占据 6.make ________ 编造 7.pick ________ 捡起;
接人 8.keep an eye ________ 留意 9.________ doubt 无疑 10.date back ________ 上溯到,追溯到 11.more ________ 不只是,不仅仅 【答案】 1.off 2.into 3.turning 4.up 5.up 6.up 7.up 8.on 9.no 10.to 11.than 根据提示补全下列教材原句 1.They come to see the grand sights of the Great Wall and the Forbidden City but often it_is the hutongs that leave the strongest impression... 他们特意来看长城和紫禁城的壮丽景色,但常常是那些胡同给他们留下最深的印象 2.By connecting peoples homes,the hutongs in fact connected peoples lives,whether the lives of the rich or the lives of the ordinary citizens. 胡同不仅使家家户户相通,实际上不管是富人还是普通人,他们的生活都被胡同联系起来了。

3.They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs,which made_it_easier to keep an eye on peoples movements. 他们派兵把守着胡同的入口,这样做使他们容易监视人们的举动。

4.They supported each other when help was needed and shared the joy and sadness of everyday life, no_doubt sharing recipes,borrowing mops,and burning fragrant incense together. 他们患难与共,共同分享生活中的喜悦与烦忧,更不消说分享菜谱、借用拖把、一起燃点香烛这些活动。

5.They can also stop under a stone arch and watch the hutong world go by while_enjoying a plate of Beijings best “Peking Duck” or satisfying their thirst with a cold Tsingtao beer. 他们还可以在一座石拱桥下停下来,品尝一盘北京最著名的“北京烤鸭”或喝上一杯冰爽解渴的青岛啤酒,观赏着胡同的世界从岁月中流逝。

阅读P38课文并从四个选项中选择最佳答案 1.Every year thousands of tourists come to Beijing to________. A.taste Beijings best “Peking Duck” B.walk through Beijings hutongs C.visit the Great Wall and the Forbidden City D.play and live in the courtyards 2.We can see that the population rose quickly________. A.in the Yuan Dynasty B.in the Ming Dynasty C.at the end of the Qing Dynasty D.in 1949 3.Which of the following is NOT true A.The Beijings hutongs always make a strong impression on tourists. B.The Emperors in the past paid no attention to the ordinary citizens movements. C.People living in the hutongs could share a lot of things. D.We can know Beijings past and present through the hutongs. 4.The place where people lived was like a real community because of________. A.the hutongs B.the rectangular courtyards C.the neat blocks of houses D.the preservation of the hutongs 5.The conditions in Beijings hutongs once went down because ________. A.the Emperor stopped repairing them B.the political situation affected Chinas economy C.the population increased quickly D.no one was interested in them 【答案】 1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 阅读P38课文,在空白处填入适当的内容1个单词或括号内单词的正确形式 Every year thousands of tourists flock to China with the 1.________late edition of Chinas “Lonely Planet” guidebook in their hands.But often it is the hutongs that leave the 2.______strong impression.Hutongs the many little alleys 3.____ connect the rectangular courtyards of 4.______tradition housesare a feature of ancient Chinese architecture. By 5.______connect peoples homes, the hutongs in fact connected peoples lives.They supported each other and shared the joy and 6.____sad of everyday life, no doubt sharing recipes, borrowing mops,and burning fragrant incense together. Towards the end of the Qing Dynasty, the conditions in Beijings hutongs went down as the 7.______politics situation cast a dark cloud on Chinas economy.The turning point came when the Peoples Republic of China 8.______set up.Conditions improved a great deal and the government undertook the 9.______preserve of many of the oldest hutongs.Hutongs are still an important part of Beijing life and it is not 10.______surprise that tourists love the hutongs. 【答案】 1.latest 2.strongest 3.that 4.traditional 5.connecting 6.sadness 7.political 8.was set up 9.preservation 10.surprising show off 炫耀;
夸耀 教材P138Nobody has any desire to show off... 没有人有炫耀的欲望 show in/into 领进客人等 show out 送出客人 show sb.round/around 领某人到处参观 show up 露面;
出现 ①Part of the nurses job is to show people into the doctors office. 把人们领进医生的诊室是护士工作的一部分。

②The quiz showed up Canes weak points in physics. 这次测验显示出凯恩在物理学方面的弱点。

[语境助记] After the manager showed us around the factory to see the products on show, Tom didnt show up. It is typical of