
高二英语 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分) 第一节 (共10小题;
每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

A Humans and elephants dont always get along. In Africa and Asia, elephants damage public facilities, farmers crops, and natural habitat critical for other species. If an elephant becomes a problem, humans may kill it. So local people are trying to find better ways to keep elephants away from sensitive places. Now, researchers think they have a good tool to discourage elephants honeybee. “Elephants strongly dislike being bitten in the trunk, so its an extremely sensitive organ. Imagine being bitten in your nose by a bee, and multiply that a few thousand times.“ Mark Wright, a professor of entomology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Kenyan farmers have long known that if they hang live beehives around their farms, they will drive elephants away. “The problem is how do you manage hundreds of thousands of hives, if you have a huge area to protect And then the idea came up to look at the alarm, which are chemicals that the bees release to launch an attack on something thats robbing the hive.“ Because elephants have a highly developed sense of smell, Wright and his team thought they might be able to use the bees chemical alarm signal to affect elephant behavior. So the researchers tested out chemicals that imitate honeybees alarm. In Greater Kruger National Park in South Africa, the team hung white socks treated with the mixture as well as untreated control socks around an elephant watering hole, and then observed the animals behavior. “Elephants are really curious organisms, theyll walk along and see something like a sock hanging on a branch in the environment, and theyll inspect it, and if its not treated with the alarm, theyll pick it up, throw it around, try to taste it, things like that. And in the case of the treated ones, we found that they would show immediate signs of unease or uncertainty, and theyd eventually back off from them. Very seldom would they go pick them up and play with them.“The study is in the journal Current Biology. Next up, the researchers plan to refine the mixture, in order to get an even stronger avoidance response from elephants. That way, these remarkable animals will stay far away from wherever they should not be goingand both elephants and humans can coexist a bit more peacefully. 1. According to the author, what would people do if an elephant continually destroys the farm A. They would drive it away. B. They would beat it hard. C. They may force it to live in a poor area. D. They may kill it without mercy. 2.The chemicals can successfully drive elephants away because of _________. A. elephants’ sensitive trunk B. elephants’ well developed sense of smell C. elephants’ powerful hearing D. elephants’ huge curiosity 3. According to paragraph 5, when an elephant find a sock with chemicals, it feels________. A. pleasant B. curious C. nervous D. thrilled 4. Where might you read the text A. In a scientific magazine. B. On the school notice board. C. At an exhibition. D. In a newspaper. 5. What does the underlined word beehives mean A. 蜂王 B. 蜂窝 C.蜂鸣器 D. 黄蜂 B Self-driving vehicles车辆 will rely on cameras, sensors and artificial intelligence 人工智能 to recognize and respond to road and traffic conditions, but sensing is the most effective for objects and movement in the neighborhood of the vehicle. Not everything important in a car’s environment will be caught by the vehicle’s camera. Another vehicle approaching at high speed on a collision 碰撞 track might not be visible until it’s too late. This is why vehicle-to-vehicle communication is undergoing rapid development. Our research shows that cars will need to be able to chat and cooperate on the road, although the technical challenges are still great. The usages of vehicle-to-vehicle communication contain vehicles driving together in a row, as well as safety messages about nearby emergency vehicles. Vehicles could alert each other to avoid collisions or share notices about passers-by and bicycles. From as far as several hundred metres away, vehicles could exchange messages with one another or receive ination from roadside unitsRSUs about nearby incidents or dangerous road conditions through 4G network. A high level of AI seems required for such vehicles, not only to self-drive from A to B, but also to react intelligently to messages received. Vehicles will need to plan, reason, strategize and adapt according to ination received in real time and to carry out cooperative behaviors. For example, a group of autonomous vehicles might avoid a route together because of possible risks, or a vehicle could decide to drop someone off earlier due to messages received, a foreseen crowding ahead. Further applications应用 of vehicle-to-vehicle communication are still being researched, inclu