
Unit12 Unit1 rl V 3 8 ES1 s Q o 2 That is how I know you go onj Far across the distance and space between us Ii YOllhavc cometoshowyOllgo on p Nearfarwherever you are p z Ibelieve that theheandoes go on f OncelllorCyOllopen the door And you re hereinmyhemt j And myheanwill go on andon I QLove cantOllchUsone lime and last fora llfelime Andnever let 0till we aregone p b Love was whenIloved you one true timeIhold to Inmy life we ll always go on Near far wherever you are p Ibelieve that the heart does go on Once more you cnthe door And you re heremmy heart And my heart will go on and on You re here there is nothingIfear f AndIknow that my heart will go on and on it We llstay forever this way You are safe in my heart And my heart will go on and on Y qlfJ c ri ti 6 Q c 4 Q e C a u Q Wt Itt SectionA ShortConversations 1 M They may be proudoftheir new facilities but frankly speakingI mdisappoimed The nurses are not friendly and everything seemstobe running behind schedule W Not to mention the faet that it s noisy becausenoone observes the visiting holll s Q What are the peopleinthe dialogue discussing B 2 M Icame across Helenina depmtment store the day before yesterday and she still looked young W You must have made a mistake I or Helen wenttoAmerica last week Q What does the woman mean D W What sinthe headlines today M Itsays here that a war is starting in the Middle East and that another one is startinginAfri ca Q Whatisthe man doing D 4 M I mafraidIwasn t paying attention to what you were saying W 1said that we must hurry because we re atreacty late for the conceit1tstarts at ill it takes us45minutes to get there and it is five minutes to eight right now Q Ifthey leave now how late will they be for the cot eert A 5 W Icould have made the highest grade in the exam ifIhadn t made that careless mistake M You still did well making the second highest grade is nothing to complain abollt Q What was the woman s problem D 6 M Iwould like to see Professor Brown as soon as possible W I msorry the professor becameillon Monday He ll probablybeback on Friday butI suggest you call on Wednesday to be sure Q When can the man expect to see Professor Brown C 7 W Did you sec the football game on TV last Friday The last five minutes were exciting M Iknow Iheard But there was a blackout in my district andImissed the second halfof the game Q Why couldn t the man see the endofthe football game C 8 M Well we need some temporary labor in our packing depmtment Just for ashontime but thejobwillberather boring W Ionly want something for two or three weeks anyway Idon tmind the monotony Q What is the probable relationship between the two speakers B Directions Inthis section you will hear8short conversationsan iI long conversation Atthe endofeach conversation one or more questions will be asked qbbut whatwassaid Both the conversation nd the questions will be read only once After each uestionthere will be a pause During the pause you must read thejimrchoices markedA C andD and decide which is the best answer t 1 SectionB LongCon ersatioll M Ican tfindmywallet W Are you sure M It sdefinitely notin 1Yofmy pockets W You must have left itinthe taxi Unit1 M WdJ youpaid the taxi fare don tremember havingitwhenIwasinthetaxi W Maybeyouleftitatthe bank Remember You took it out wlren you cashed that check Yon could have leftitonthe counter M 13mI remember havingitafter that whenwewereinthat coffee shop Maybeitslipped out ofmypocket while we were having coffee W But you paid forthecoffee remember j iVI Chal s right And what didIdoafter hat must havehadi1when I left the coffee shop be causeIremember feelingilinmypocketaswewalked out W Well IwOJ1 ler if somtone slole it iVI roumcan a pickpocket W Yes Do you think someone could have stolen it without your noticingit M Idoubtit I Illsure I would have noticed No Doyou know whereIthink it could be W Where M Remember that little bookshopwestoppedinonthewaytothe taxi stand l call l idyUlIIH tYt it hell M YesI did I think I must have put it on the shelf while I wasWritingthe nameofthe book on a pieceofpaper and left it there I ll call the bookshopand seeifthey ve foundit j Questions9to12are based on the conversatioll you have Just hfard IWhat are the man and woman talking about D 10 What did theIIIanand the womandoafter they leavethebank B 11 Which place didn t the two speakers go C 12 What will the man probablydoafter the conversation D Directions Inthis section you wdl hear2short passages Atthe endofeach passage youwill J hear some questions Both the passage and the questionswillberifdonly once After you heal a question you must choose the best answer from thejourchoicesit lJkedA B C andD PassageOne ripping America has a rrummum wage requiremenr IfyOIlwork there you are guaranteed at least 5 15anhour There are some exceptions butmost people earn at least 5 15anhour Work ers who eam tips on a regular basisdonot receive 5 15anhour since the tip moneyisconsid ered part of their income Waitresses and waiters fall i