
Listening Speaking and Reading Answer the following questions after reading the text 1 Which jobs did Dahu do 2 Which jobs did Lala do 3 Who works cooperatively and who does tasks alone 4 Who does the most dangerous tasks 5 Where does the danger come from Reading 北京猿人的化石首次发现于1927年 1929年12月2日发现第一个完整的头盖骨 到1937年已发现的北京人的头盖骨共5个 1941年12月太平洋战争爆发后 在几个美 国人手里弄得下落不明 1966年又发现一个残破的头盖骨 总共发现了属于40多个个体的北京人化 石 时间距今约七十万年至二十万年 北 京 人 北京猿人的特征 能够制造和使用劳动工具 能使用天然火 摆脱了杂交的婚姻形态 生活艰苦 寿命比较短暂 北京人头盖骨化石 北京猿人复原图 北京人使用过的石器 北京人石器制作法 北京人生活想象图 山顶洞人 距今时间 18000年前 地点 北京周口店龙骨山山顶洞穴 体形 同现代人大体一样 脑容量 1300 1500毫升 生产和生活 开始采用磨制和钻孔技术制造石器 骨 器制造骨针 缝制兽皮衣服产生了原始 宗教仪式过着氏族公社的生活 山 顶 洞 人 头 骨 山顶洞人 1933年北京市房山 县周口店龙骨山山顶洞 出土 骨针长8 2厘米 孔 径0 31 0 33厘米 这是 中国已发现的时代最早 的骨针之一 其针身保存完好 针孔处破 裂 针尖锐利 表面有刮磨痕迹 针孔是用 尖状器刮挖而成 山顶洞人的生活用具山顶洞人的生活用具 骨针骨针 Sample answers to above questions 1 catch fish repair stone tools make scrapers and axe heads 2 collect fruit and nuts prepare food 3 Both men and women work cooperatively For example Lala s mother and aunts were preparing the meat of deer and pig over the fire Men do tasks alone 4 Men do the most dangerous tasks 5 The danger comes from the wild animals Not having and planned better Lala felt very worried about the preparations for her feast So she turned for home quickly with her of nuts melons and other fruit 根据课文内容填空 looked ahead collection When she was near home a delicious smell her progress and she became dizzy with hunger She saw her mother and aunts the deer and pig meat over the fire Just then Dahu her as well as the best came back with several arrested preparing husband toolmaker fish Later he began his task he his scrapers until they were sharp enough to the meat and to scrape the fish Soon the first of the guests began to arrive Lala hoped it was going to be just as wonderful as last year cut up sharpened Words and expressions 1 If only it could be just like last year 要是能像去年那样就好了 If only 但愿 要是 就好了 其 后一般用虚拟语气 If only she had looked ahead and planned better If only he had come v to express approval of someone or something especially by such clapping 赞赏 鼓掌向 某人或某物 表示赞赏 尤指鼓掌欢呼 Everyone applauded when the play ended 演出结束时 大家都热烈鼓掌 I applaud your decision 我赞成你的决定 2 applaud 重点短语与句型 look ahead If only she had looked ahead and planned better this year 回归课本P43 He looked ahead in order to find his mother 为了找到他的妈妈 他向前看去 Looking ahead I think the company needs to develop some new services 为将来做打算 我认为公司需要发展一批新业务 归纳总结 look ahead意为 look after照料 照顾 关心 注意 look down upon on歧视 看不起 look forward to希望 盼望 look on sb as把某人看做 或当做 look into调查 审查 look through浏览 仔细看 look up好转 有起色 向上看 查找 look up and down上下打量 向前看为将来打算 3 accelerate a to increase the speed of 加速 促进加快 的速度 这部新车加速效能良好 The new car has good acceleration b to cause to happen earlier 正式 催促 他决定加快他的课程进度 He decided to accelerate his courses arrest She had almost reached her destination when a delicious smell arrested her progress and she stopped 回归课本 P43 arrest n 逮捕 拘留 vt 逮捕 吸引 arrest sb for 因 而逮捕某人 get arrested遭逮捕 arrest one s attention引起注意 under arrest被捕 make an arrest进行拘捕 to capture and hold briefly the attention for example engage 引起 注意吸引并短时间吸引住 如注意力 吸引 花的艳丽色彩引起苏珊的注意 The bright colors of the flowers arrested Susan s attention 4 arrest having a whirling sensation and a tendency to fall 眩晕的 眼花的感到眩晕 并要摔倒的 a dizzy height 令人晕眩的高度 The old woman was dizzied by the strong wind 那位老太太被风吹得头昏眼花 The disaster dizzied his brain 那场灾难弄得他头脑昏乱 5 dizzy 6 Abruptly she sat down only to be scooped up by her laughing shouting sister Luna 考点 only to do 是不定式作结果状 语 表示意料之外的结果 1 The police have a two suspects in connection with the bank robbery 2 The 放射性的 waste should be buried deep under the ground in sealed boxes I 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字 母或汉语提示 写出各单词的正确形式 rrested radioactive 3 The driver stepped on the gas and a the car 4 Americans in my neighborhood used to make their own 酸乳酪 5 The new caught on and many peasants became very 熟练的 at it ccelerated yogurt skilful 6 It was so hot in the room that she felt 目眩的 7 The audience a the singer for three minutes for his excellent perance dizzy pplauded 1 Generally speaking preparations the Beijing Olympics are smoothly marching forward in accordance with plans 2 Twenty years ago people looked and thought the problem would be solved by now but that clearly hasn t happened II 用适当的介 副词填空 for ahead 3 Hunting spiders run after insects or lie wait for them 4 She scooped a handful of snow and pressed it hard to make a ball 5 He banged his head the wall in up against 6 I smiled myself and stopped working so that I could better enjoy listening to the noise 7 I became dizzy all the do s and the don ts and the how s and the why s 8 We have asked the Conrads to come dinner on Friday evening to with for 1 我正在街上走 就在这时有人从后面 叫我 when III 根据括号内的提示将下列句子翻 译成英语 I was walking in the street when someone called me from behind 2 我们走了很长一段路去看他 没想到 他刚好去乡下了 only to We walked a long way to see him only to find that he had just left for the countryside 3 在进一步进行这件事之前 我们必须 为将来考虑 look ahead 4 要是他们现在在这里 我们就能庆祝 他们的结婚纪念日了