
2019高考英语精品导学案词汇(10)含答案 复习1、核心单词2、重点短语3、写作句式4、我读我练(词汇应用、句式仿写) 【单句单词语法填空】 1. To warm himself,the sailor sat in front of the fire rubbing one bare foot against the________ 答案other 此处表示“另一只赤着的脚”,指“两者中另外一只”,用the other。句意为了暖和自己,那个海员坐在火堆前,赤着的一只脚在摩擦另外一只。

2. How would you like ________ if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you 答案it it作形式宾语,指代后面的if从句。

3.2015福建,21改编The research group produced two reports based on the survey,but ________ contained any useful suggestions. 答案neither neither表示“两者都不”。句意这个研究小组根据调查做了两个报告,但是没有一个含有任何有用的建议。

4.2014新课标全国Ⅱ,改编They reached the top successfully, but on ________ way back conditions were very difficult. 答案their/the 句意为他们成功登顶,但是在返程的路上却困难重重。名词前需限定词,根据句意可知,此处填形容词性物主代词their与主语保持一致。也可填定冠词the。

5.2013课标全国,改编He had a deep voice, which set ________ apart from others in our small town. 答案him 句意为他的嗓音深沉,这让他与我们小镇上其他的人不同。定语从句中缺少谓语动词set的宾语,应填人称代词宾格。根据主句主语he可知填him。

核心单词 1.desire vt. n. 要求;
期望 2.desperate adj. 不顾一切的;
令人绝望的 3.destination n. 目的地,终点;
目标 4.destroy vt. 破坏;
消灭 5.determination n. 决定;
决心 6.development n. 发展,发育,开发 7.devotion n. 奉献,奉献精神 8.difference n. 不同 9.difficulty n. 困难,费力 10.dignity n. 庄重,庄严;
尊贵,高尚 11.dilemma n. 窘境,困境,进退两难 12.diploma n. 毕业文凭;
学位证书 13.direction n. 方向;
方位 14.disadvantage n. 不利条件;
弱点 15.disagreement n. 意见不一致;
争论 16.disappearance n. 消失 17.disappointment n. 失望;
沮丧 18.disaster n. 灾难;
祸患 19.discipline n. 纪律,惩罚 20.discourage vt. 使气馁;
打消做的念头 21.discovery n. 发现 22.discussion n. 讨论,辩论 23.dismiss vt. 让离开;
开除 24.distance n. 距离 25.distinguish vt. 区别;
辨别 重点短语 1.date back to/from 追溯到;
自存在至今 go back to 追溯到 up to date 最近的;
最新的 out of date 过时的 2.depend on/upon 依靠;
依赖,取决于 rely on/upon 依靠;
依赖 That depends./It all depends. 视情况而定。

3.end with 以结束 end in 落得的下场;
以而告终 come to an end 结束;
完结 make ends meet 量入为出 in the end 最后,结果 by the end of 截止到为止 【阅读理解】 When I was in the sixth grade, I became a big K-pop Korean pop fan. Almost half the students at my middle school were Korean and almost all of them listened to Korean music, especially K-pop. I had never been interested in it. It sounded too strange to me, but all changed in the sixth grade when the huge hit Gee came out. All my friends were singing the chorus and imitating the dance. Gee fever sucked me into K-pop. It became my life. I listened to K-pop non-stop and filled my iPod with it. In a month, I had memorized the names of countless members of boy and girl bands and stuck pictures of my singer "boyfriends" on my walls. I would ditch my weekend art and math classes and go to concerts with my friends. This would always result in my mom shouting that I was wasting my life. My mom thought K-pop was trash and wanted me to like classical music as she did. But classical music made me sleepy. Every day during middle school I went to a K-pop gossip and news site called . On this site I learned that I could audition试音 to become a singer in a K-pop band. The shining clothes, thousands of screaming fans and hearing them chant my name seemed much more exciting than being a middle school student. Becoming a K-pop star was all I wanted. I started watching the audition videos of current stars and reading blog posts from people who had auditioned. They explained much about the audition. This made me want to audition even more. After watching those videos, I saw that most of the current stars weren’t that amazing in their auditions and that each singer had improved so much through training. I had never had vocal lessons声乐课 and didn’t think of myself as a good singer. "But if they could do it, I could do that too," I thought. 1.What caused the author to fall in love with K-pop A. Her Korean origin.B.A new style of dance. C. Her friends’ influence.D. The popularity of Gee. 2.The underlined word "ditch" in Paragraph 1 probably means "________". A. forgetB. attendC. ignoreD. hate 3.What do we know about the author’s mother A. She has no interest in music. B. She has a low opinion of K-pop. C. She doesn’t care about her daughter. D. She prefers K-pop to classical music. 4.After visiting , the author ________. A. dreamed of becoming a pop singer B. called the manager of the news site C. contacted people who had auditioned D. knew she would never become a singer 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。大多数人都认为肿瘤科护士这一职业是让人感到很压抑的,然而我却挚爱着这个职业。有时会有病人痊愈的奇迹发生,而我就是这奇迹创造过程中的一分子。

1.D 【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段最后两句可知,当奇迹发生时,我就是这个奇迹创造过程中的一分子。因此D项正确。

2.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段可知,在我当护士的16年中,总是有人在问同样的问题当肿瘤科的护士不令人感到沮丧吗这说明大多数人不喜欢这个职业。因此A项正确。

4.A 【解析】标题归纳题。全文主要谈论的是我选择护士职业的理由,因此A项正确。而B项作为文章标题过大;

写作句式 表语从句 1.2016安徽高考书面表达The truth is that everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong, so you don’t have to worry so much. 事实上