
----------------------------------------- 租赁合同 TENANCY AGREEMENT 出租方 Landlord 身份证号 ID number 地址 Address 银行账号 Bank No _ 承租方 Tenant _ 身份证号 ID number_ 出租方 (以下简称甲方)与承租方 (以下简称乙方)于 年 月 日,双方一致就以下各项条款达成协议。本合同以中文为准 An agreement made on the date of between the landlord hereinafter referred to as Party A and the tenant hereinafter referred to as Party B is hereby mutually agreed by and between the said parties to be as follows 一、 租赁标的 Tenancy 甲方同意将 室 及其家具电器设备在良好状态下租给乙方,租用分户面积总计约 平方米。家具与电器设备清单见附件。

Party A hereby agrees to lease and the furniture and electrical appliances therein in clean and tenantable condition to Party B, the size of the leased property being sq. m. Please see appendix for the list of furniture and electrical appliances. 二、 租期 Term of Tenancy 2.1 租赁期为 年,自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。

The above property is hereby leased for a term of One year, commencing on and expiring on . 2.2 租赁届满,甲方有权收回全部出租房屋及家俱、电器,乙方应如期交还(正常损耗及房屋结构上的潜在缺陷除外;

On expiry of this lease, Party A has the right to take back the leased property with furniture and electrical appliances in full, and Party B must deliver the leased property on the date of expiry fair wear and tear, structural and inherent defeats excepted. After the leasing term, the apartment has to maintain the reasonable condition. If Party B wishes to extend the lease, Party B shall have the priority to renew the lease with the same condition and is required to give written notice to Party A One month prior the expiry of this lease , the revised rental rate and period should be negotiated between the two parties 三、租金 Rent 3.1 租金每月为人民币 整,包括物业,取暖,家具,电器另见附件1家具及电器预算人民币 元整. The rent RMB per month, including furniture, electrical appliances,management fee,heating fee. 3.2 租金支付方式为年付(十二个月)一次性支付,共计人民币 。

upfront payment shall be made in RMB for one year rental。

3.3 租金以人民币支付。乙方在收到甲方的付款通知后须尽快付款,甲方收到租金后付给乙方全额收据。

The rent is payable in rmb. Party B has to pay the rent as soon as possible after receiving the note of payment from Party A. Party A then should issue a reciept of the total payment to Party B. 3.4 在本租约有效期内,租金不予调整。

The rental cannot be adjusted during the term of this Tenancy Agreement. 四、 押金 Deposit 4.1 本租约签订之日,乙方应向甲方缴付壹个月租金额的租赁押金计人民币 元整 。租约期满,乙方如不再续租,甲方应在租赁期结束后十日内在乙方将租赁期间发生的全部水,电,煤气等杂费付清后,将押金退还(不计利息) The day after the signature of this Tenancy Agreement, Party B must pay to Party A one months rental as deposit, totaling RMB ; On completion of the tenancy period. if Party B does not continue to rent the leased property, Party A must return the deposit in full to Party B excluding interest within ten days after the termination or early of the Lease Agreement under the condition that Party B has paid all the utilities fee such as water, electricity, gas and telephone. 4.2 乙方如违反租约规定,致使甲方未能如期收取租金或因而发生费用开 支,甲方可以根据凭证扣留全部或部分押金抵付。不足部分甲方有权要 求乙方赔偿。

If Party B breaks any part of this contract, such as not paying the rent punctually, or causing additional expenses to Party A, Party A has the right to retain part of or all of the deposit as compensation according to its actual losses. If the said deposit is insufficient to cover Party A’s costs, Party A has the right to ask for compensation if any. 4.3 发生4.2条款情况,押金不足抵付时,乙方必须按接到甲方付款通知后 十日内补足。

If Clause 4.2 is brought into effect, and the said deposit is insufficient to cover Party A’s costs, Party B should pay the extra amount to Party A within ten days of receipt of Party A’s invoice notice. 4.4 押金以人民币支付。甲方收到押金后付给乙方全额收据。

The deposit is payable in RMB. Party A should issue a receipt to Party B after receiving the deposit. 五、 其它费用 Other Charges 5.1 乙方在租赁期内所用的水、电、煤气,电话等费用由乙方缴付。

Party B’s utilities expenses during the lease term will be paid by Party B. 六、 甲方的责任 Landlord’s Responsibilities 6.1 租赁期内甲方不得无故收回房屋,如甲方中途要求收回房屋,乙方可以拒绝。

Party A is not permitted to take back the leased property during the term of the contract without any reason. If Party A wishes to do so, Party B has the right to object. 6.2 负责对乙方正常使用中发生的房内家具、电器及其他设施损坏或故障进行及时维修并承担费用。

To undertake responsibility and assume such costs for timely repairs to furniture, electrical appliances and other facilities that are damaged or have malfunctioned through normal usage by Party B. 6.3 督促物业公司提供充分的保安、消防工作及安静清洁的居住环境。

To supervise the estate management office