
1 Unit 3 Language in use Teaching model Revision and application Teaching aims 1 To learn to describe the school with there be structure and prepositional phrases indicating positions in space 2 To revise all the key points in this module Teaching aids Tape recorder PPT handout multimedia Teaching steps 第一课时 Activity 1 Activity 2 Step 1 Warming up Show some pictures to review the text in Unit 1 and Unit 2 Step 2 Language practice 1 Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the proper words 1 There thirty students in my class 2 there computers on desk No there 3 there a map the world No there 4 students are there in your class 5 The library is the playground 2 Check the answers Keys 1 are 2 Are everyone s aren t 3 Is of isn t 4 How many 5 on the left of Step 3 Practice 1 1 Revise the usage of there be 2 Have students look at and read the questions in Activity 1 1 How many classrooms are there in your school 2 Is there a library in your school 3 Are there any science labs 4 How many students are there in your class 5 How many are boys and how many are girls 6 Are there any computers in your classroom 7 Is there a blackboard in your classroom 8 Where is the teacher s desk 3 Work in pairs Ask and answer the questions about your school 4 Ask some pairs to answer the questions Step 4 Practice 2 1 Revise behind in front of on the right left of between and next to 2 Have the students look at the picture and read the questions in Activity 2 1 Where is the office building 2 Where is the dining hall 3 Where is the playground 4 Where is the sports hall 5 Where is the science building 3 Ask them to answer the questions 4 Check the answers Keys 2 1 It s on the right of the gate in front of the classroom building 2 It s behind the science building 3 It s between the dining hall and the library between the science building and the classroom building 4 It s on the left of the gate in front of the science building 5 It s between the dining hall and the sports hall 5 Let students read the passage in Activity 2 and then complete it This is a map of our school 1 the gate is the office building and behind this is the 2 3 the classroom building is the library The science building is 4 the dining hall and the 5 And behind the dining hall the playground and the library there are 6 6 Ask several students to share their answers and then check them Keys 1 On the right of 2 playground 3 Behind 4 between 5 sports hall 6 many trees 7 Have the students read the passage aloud Step 5 Homework 1 Revise all the key points in this module 2 Finish the workbook Blackboard Design Unit 3 Language in use Activity 1 Activity 2 1 There are thirty students in my class 2 Are there computers on everyone s desk No there aren t 3 Is there a map of the world No there isn t 4 How many students are there in your class 5 The library is on the left of the playground