2020年河北《试题研究》精讲本(人教版英语)教材知识研究,2.,七年级(上) Units,5~9.ppt

目录 说明词句攻关 1 classes classmate2 tomatoes3 healthy healthily unhealthy keephealthy liveahealthylife4 women5 artist6 scientist scientific7 musical musician 教材词块自主测 8 historical9 let letting letsb dosth let down letsb in10 goes went gone goout gotothemovies gooff gooutofone sway goby11 gets got got gotten getting getup getdressed getoff getawayfrom12 player playarole part playchess playtheviolin13 bored boring get bebored 14 relaxed relaxing relaxoneself feelrelaxed15 dislike liketodo doingsth wouldlike feellike soundlike16 ate eaten eatup eatout eatinghabits17 took taken takeout takeawayfrom takeaction s takeawalk18 bought buysb sth buy from 19 sold sale sellsb sth sellout 20 lately belatefor stayuplate getuplate21 difficulty havedifficulty in doingsth bedifficultfor 22 easily uneasy23 different atthesametime thesameas inthesameway24 really25 fatter fattest26 bigger biggest small27 length short aslongas nolonger 28 happily happiness unhappy29 busily bebusywith bebusydoingsth 30 freely freedom feelfreetodosth inone sfreetime forfree31 cooler coolest keepone scool lookcool32 twelfth33 twentieth34 thirtieth 35 us our ours ourselves36 without37 funny havefunindoingsth 38 does did done39 interesting interested be getinterestedin createaninterest aninterestingjob40 lovely hate fallinlovewith lovetodo doingsth 41 useful useless used beusefulfor beusedas putsth togooduse makefulluseof42 more most muchtoobig toomuchtime43 better best aswellas 1 soundinteresting boring fun2 thinkof3 asksb aboutsth 4 offerhelp5 talkabout6 invitesb tosp 7 thinkabout8 wanttodosth 9 lookfor10 lookafter11 lookthrough12 lookup13 lookupto14 lookbackat15 choose from16 discusssth withsb 17 developagoodhabit18 takeatrip19 finishdoingsth 20 atverygoodprices21 atleast22 nextto23 apairof24 from to 25 thenumberof 26 onsale27 becauseof28 forsure29 Howold 1 butmybrotherAlandoes2 weplayitatschoolwithourfriends3 It seasye4 someinterestingandfunthings5 wanttomeetyou6 Ithinkit shealthy7 Idon twanttobefat8 Itisdifficultbutinteresting9 favoritesubjects Passage11 eating2 healthy3 bananas4 really5 dinner6 for7 fat avolleyballstar bananas lunch Passage21 prices2 sweaters3 in4 your5 boy s6 And7 much8 pairs shorts 16 girlspurpleskirts 20 blackshoes 28 threepairs 2 sweaters 30 socks 1 一般现在时 have like P184 1 Doyouhaveabaseball Yes Ido No Idon t 2 Helikesice cream 2 连词but P157 Ilikefruit butIdon tlikevegetables 3 一般疑问句 P192 Doyoulikesalad Yes Ido No Idon t 4 可数与不可数名词 P141 1 可数名词 hamburgers eggs oranges bananas apples 2 不可数名词 milk bread rice 3 既可作可数名词又可作不可数名词 food fruit salad chicken5 基数词 10 31 P151 Whataboutthispair They reonlytwenty eightdollars 6 名词所有格 P138 WhenisSally sbirthdayparty 7 序数词 P151 HisbirthdayisonSeptember5th 8 特殊疑问句 P192 1 Whenisyourbirthday MybirthdayisonMay2nd 2 What sherfavoritesubject Herfavoritesubjectisart play的用法 2014 90 考点抢测 练讲重难点 1 Agoodeatinghabitplaysanimportantrole keepingfit A inB forC onD from A 2 Therewillbethree play atschoolnextweek Everyoneislookingforwardtothem 3 Itisverydangeroustoplay fire Soweshouldpaymoreattentiontothesafety 盲填 4 Ilikereadingwhilemybrotherlikesplaying guitar 盲填 5 his plays Jim everyweek volleyball friends with 连词成句 plays with the Jimplaysvolleyballwithhisfriendseveryweek 满分点拨 考向1 play作动词时 其常见用法如下 考向2 play作名词时 意为 剧本 戏剧 如 Shewrotemanygoodplays 她写了很多好剧本 辨析感官动词 2016 34 2014 35 考点抢测 6 Howbeautifultherosesare They sosweet Ilikethem A feelB smellC tasteD sound7 Tom verytirednow Doyouknowwhathappenedtohim A looksB smellsC tastesD feels A B 8 TFBOYS songs wonderfulandmanyofuslikelisteningtothem A soundB feelC tasteD look9 Thescarf feel sosmooth Iguessitmustbemadeofsilk 10 so the inthekitchen cake sweet tastes 连词成句 feels Thecakeinthekitchentastessosweet A 满分点拨 常见的感官动词有 smell 闻起来 sound 听起来 feel 感觉 摸起来 taste 尝起来 look 看上去 感官动词后常接形容词作表语 辨析v ing形容词与v ed形容词 考点抢测 11 Weshouldcomeclosetothenature Itcanmakeusfeel A relaxB relaxingC relaxedD torelax C 12 Mymotheris withmebecauseIalwaysspendtimeplayingcomputergames A annoyingB annoyedC satisfyingD satisfied13 Iwentoutforthemoviehappilylastnight butsoonIfoundit A boringB boredC excitingD excited14 Ilikethebook It soneofthemost interest booksI veeverread interesting A B 15 Themotherwas worry aboutherchildrenbecauseitwasdarkoutside 16 Weare surprise attherapidprogressthatMarkhasmadeonhismath 17 Thestorywasso move thatIcouldn thelpcrying moving surprised worried 18 taken in amazing these photos were the village 连词成句 19 magazine is the interested in everyone 连词成句 Theseamazingphotosweretakeninthevillage Everyoneisinterestedinthemagazine 满分点拨 v ing形容词与v ed形容词的意义和用法如下 一言辨异 Theexcitingthingalwaysmakesmeexcited 令人兴奋的事情总是让我很兴奋 常见的v ing形容词和v ed形容词及相关短语总结如下 辨析look watch see与read 2015完形涉及 考点抢测 20 Yesterdayhundredsofpeoplecametothetownto thecarrace Howcrowdeditwas A seeB watchC lookD read B 21 Marylikesto differentkindsofmagazines Andshealwayssharesthemwithus A seeB lookC readD watch22 We manykidsplayingsoccerintheparkyesterdaywhenwedroveby A sawB lookedC readD watched23 Theclockhasstopped May