
Revision Module5Rulesandsuggestions TeachingAims Grammar Textoncemore TopicSpreading Test PartOne Grammar Youmustn tparkyourcar shouldn t can t Youcanparkyourcar may must 1 2 3 4 5 6 情态动词 情态动词本身有一定的含义 但不能单独作谓语 后跟行为动词原形一起构成谓语 表示说话人的语态和情态 情态动词没有人和数的变化 can could may might shall should must need dare oughtto will would usedto 点拨 此句中的could表示委婉的语气 而不是表示过去时态 但回答时应用can 表示能够干某事 帮你归纳 1 Couldyoucrossthestreethere Ofcourseyou A couldB canC beabletoD will B 2 Somepeoplethinktrees onTreePlantingDayonly A shouldbeplantedB shouldplantC shouldbeplantingD beplanted 点拨 表 义务 和 应该 时 用should 情态动词的被动语态为 情态动词 be done A 3 MustIdotheworknow No you Youmaydoitlater A can tB mustn tC needn tD shouldn t c 点拨 用must引导的一般疑问句 其回答形式 肯定回答用must 否定回答用needn t 4 You gettherebybus A don tneedB needn ttoC don tneedtoD needdon tto 点拨 need既可以用作情态动词 又可以用作行为动词 短语有needtodosth和needdoingsth needtobedone c 5 08河南 WewontheEnglishspeakingcontest Congratulations You beveryproudofit A canB needC wouldD must6 She knowtheanswer butI mnotsure A needB maybeC mayD must7 Thatman beourEnglishteacher BecausehehasgonetoBeijing A mustn tB shouldn tC needn tD can t8 You swiminthispartofthelake It sdangerous A mustn tB needn tC maynotD won t 点拨 情态动词must may might can could等都能表示 推测 它们的推测程度由强到弱的顺序是 must can could may might Must表示有把握的推测 意思为 一定是 肯定是 只用于肯定句 表示对现在的推测 否定形式则用can t 而mustn t则表示 禁止 D C D A 点拨 情态动词表 建议 或 邀请 多用would和should 常用的句式有 Wouldyoulike love to 和Shallwe 10 tohavelunchwithustoday A DoyoulikesB WouldyoulikeC WillyoulikedD Haveyouliked 9 wegototheparkonSunday Goodidea A WouldB ShallC MustD Need B B PartTwo Textoncemore Module5Rulesandsuggestions theGreatWall abear 1 CouldyoupleasegiveusalotofrulesandsuggestionsaboutvisitingtheGreatWall 1 Youmustkeeptothepath Youmustn twalkalongtheedgebecauseyoumightfallandhurtyourself 2 Youhavetokeeptogether Youmustn tgooffonyourown becauseyoumightgetlost 3 Youshouldn tdrinkallyourwater becauseyourmayneedsomelater 4 Youcangorockclimbing butyoumustuseropes 5 Youhavetothinkaboutyourpersonalsafety Youmusthavetherightshoes 沿着小路走 独自离开 去攀岩 个人安全 AnswerthefollowingquestionsaccordingtothedialogueandthetextofModule5 2 Whatshould must youdoiftherearebearsnear 1 Youmusthangfoodinatree 2 must shouldpickuptherubbish 3 must shouldkeepacleancampsite 4 can tleaveanythingwhichbearsmightthinkisfood 5 shouldmakealotofnoise 6 mustn tmoveormakeanygesture 7 mustn trunbecausenoonecanrunfasterintheforestthanabear hang悬挂 过去式和过去分词hung hung 吊死 过去式和过去分词hanged hanged Atlastthetwopictureswerehungsidebyside Themurdererwashangedthismorning 保持野营地点整洁 做个手势 3 Retellthestorywiththefollowingphrases Thebeginninghasbeengiven Thethirdday Iwentforawalkintheforest Suddenly saw playingwith reachedoutforsb sth turnone shead lookedup stayedinthesameposition haveneverrun backto mybloodwentcold 伸手接触或取某物 PartThree TopicSpreading WelcometoHainan WelcometoJiuzhai WelcometoDongying Workingroups YoumaychooseoneplaceofinterestandwritesomeadviceforvisitorstoChina atleastfivepiecesofadvice Onestudentwrite Theotherstudenttellhimorhersomesuggestions Welcometo isin Itisa Andtherearemanybeautifulplaceofinterest Forexample They Buttherearesomedanger Youmust can t need can should Wishyouhaveagoodtime Model WelcometoHainan WelcometoDongying WelcometoJiuzhai 提示词 湿地 wetland 自然资源 natureresource 对虾 prawns 自然保护区 natureresourceprotectionareas 生态系统 ecologicalsystem 提示词 Birdnet鸟巢 watercube水立方 theSummerPlace颐和园 紫禁城theForbiddenCity 瀑布wallfall 人间仙境fairylandinhuman 天然景色scenery 海拔height 人文景观humanlandscape 海岸线coastline 椰子树coconuttree PartFour Test Warmsuggestions 1 掌握所读材料的主旨和大意 2 把握文章的事实和细节 3 根据上下文猜测生词的含义 4 边读边划出文章中的重点信息 5 判断对错时 在文章中标出出处 Theanswers FTFFFFTTFF ThankYou Goodbye