
Unit6Howmany PartALet stalk Findandcount PEP 三年级下册 Warm up Whoisfaster one two three five four six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen Howmany A Howmany B apples Eleven A Howmany B peaches Twelve A Howmany B oranges Thirteen A Howmany B strawberries Fourteen A Howmany B pears Fifteen Lookattheflowers Howmanyflowersdoyousee 1 2 Isee13 Wow sobeautiful ForestPark Lookatthebirds Howmanybirdsdoyousee 1 2 Isee15 Wow socute Look Somanykites Wow Let sgothere A Howmany B kites Eleven Wow sobeautiful Lookatthekites Howmanykitesdoyousee 1 2 Isee12 No Theblackoneisabird Oh Let stalk Let stalk Let sfindout The oneis The oneis yellow apear The oneis red anapple The oneis white adog Findandcount Howmanybirdsdoyousee Isee Iseeten Howmanycatsdoyousee Iseetwelve rcise A Lookatthe B Wow So A Howmany doyousee B Isee pandas cute pandas eleven A Lookatthe B Wow So A Howmany doyousee B Isee fish beautiful fish fourteen