
Unit1Myday PEP 五年级下册 PartALet slearn Askandwrite Lead in Enjoythesong Wehaveanewfriendthisterm Pedro HeisfromSpain Whatdoeshedoeveryday Newwords domorningrcises 做早操 eatbreakfast 吃早饭 have class 上 课 playsports 进行体育运动 eatdinner 吃晚饭 Readthewordsquickly eatbreakfast have class playsports eatdinner domorningrcises Activity Canyourememberthewords domorningrciseseatbreakfasthave classplaysportseatdinner 吃早饭吃晚饭做早操上 课进行体育运动 a m p m 午前 上午 中午 午后 下午 认识时间单位 Let slearn domorningrcises eatbreakfast have class playsports eatdinner 7 00a m 8 00a m 9 00a m 6 00p m 9 00p m Whendoyoudomorningrcises At7o clock Playroles IfyouarePedro talkaboutyourday Hello I mPedro I at I Thisismyday Canyousay A Whendoyou B At domorningrcises a m 6o clock A Whendoyou B At a m eatbreakfast 8o clock A Whendoyou B At p m playsports 4o clock A Whendoyou B At haveEnglishclass a m 10o clock ABCDEFGH A Whendoyou B At p m eatdinner 6o clock Askandwrite Askaboutyourpartner stimetable Whendoyougetup Igetupat6 00a m Playroles Yourpartner stimetable 8 00a m 12 00a m 6 00p m 7 00a m Whendoyou I at rcise 1 A p m B sportsC a m 2 A rciseB breakfastC lunch3 A nineB sixC eat4 A musicB artC when 一 火眼金睛选不同 1 doyouplaysports At4 30p m A WhatB WhenC Where 二 选出正确选项 2 We aChineseclassinthemorning A haveB doC play3 Igotobed 9 30p m A onB atC in Makeyourowntimetable Mytimetablegetup eatbreakfast gotoschool eatlunch gohome playsports eatdinner gotobed