
A The missionaries collected large numbers of specimens B Many plant collectors were sent on collecting trips to China C E H Wilson collected a large quantity of seeds of the Dove Tree D Many European plant collectors collected new plants to Western gardens 1 What is the main idea of the ninth paragraph A in 1751 some Tree of Heaven seeds arrived in England B in 1769 Sir Joseph Banks collected vast quantities of plants in the land now known as Oceania C in 1784 the Tree of Heaven was introduced into North America D between 1843 and 1859 a British plant collector Robert Fortune made several trips to China 2 All of the following statements are true EXCEPT that 3 What improved the survival rates of plants transported long distances A Plant exploration B Botanical knowledge C Seawater D The invention of the Wardian case 4 In the sentence European botanists were very excited with the knowledge that China had a vast variety of plants what does the underlined word mean A 领导人B 传教士 C 植物学家D 探险家 A brave young men going on botanical expeditions faced many dangers including disease near starvation and so on B Robert Fortune was the earliest plant collector C people can find Dove Trees in European gardens D many plants were introduced into other countries before the 18th century 5 From the passage we can refer that 回答下列问题 然后以约30词概括 本单元的第一篇课文的主要内容 1 When did the plant exploration begin on a large scale It was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that the plant exploration began on a large scale 2 Who played an important role in plant exploration 2 Some missionaries and plant collectors 3 What was the result of plant exploration 3 Many exotic plants are introduced into different countries 4 What was invented in order to transport the plants safely 4 The Wardian case The plant exploration began on a large scale between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Some missionaries and plant collectors introduced many exotic plants into different countries with the help of the Wardian case Summary 读本单元第一篇课文后 以约120个词简单介 绍 Rafflesia arnoldii这种植物 Rafflesia arnoldii is the world s largest single flower It grows largely in Southeast Asia on the Malay Peninsula Borneo Sumatra Kalimantan and the Philippines These flowers have no leaves and hardly any stem just a huge speckled five pedaled flower with a diameter up to one meter and weighing up to 10 kg Even the smallest one has 20 cm diameter flowers The flowers smell like rotting meat hence its local names are translated to corpse flower or meat flower It is parasitic on a vine spreading its roots inside the vine 1 conflict n 冲突 争论 vi 冲突 抵触 例句 Try to bend to their wishes if you want to avoid conflict 如果你想避 免矛盾 那就试着屈从于他们的愿望吧 搭配 in conflict with 和 冲突 conflict with 冲突 与 抵触 如果这样的话 你的观点一定会和他的 冲突 If so your points of view are bound to 你的陈述同其余证据有矛盾 Your statement is the rest of the evidence 运用 根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子 in conflict with conflict with his 2 restriction n 限制 限定 约束 例句 There are currency restrictions on the sums allowed for foreign travel 到国外旅行允许携带的款额有所限制 The swimming club is open to families in the neighborhood without restriction 这个游泳 俱乐部对邻近地区的家庭开放 不受限制 restrict vt 限制 约束 限定 restricted adj 受限制的 保密的 restrictive adj 限制的 限制性的 约束的 拓展 这个公园对公众开放 没有任何限制 The park is open to the public 不过 其他用户就要受到更多的访问限制 Others however should have much more 运用 根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子 restricted access without restriction 例句 The electronic industry is developing on a large scale 电子 工业在大规模地发展着 3 on a large scale 大规模地 有些国家正在大规模地准备战争 Some countries are preparing for war 科学家们正试图大规模地直接利用太 阳能 Scientists are trying to solar energy 运用 根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子 on a large scale on a large scale make direct use of 4 appeal to 对 产生吸引力 attract 例句 We believe that this new product of ours will appeal to your market 相信 我们这种新产品将会引起你方市场的兴 趣 常用结构是sth appeal to sb sth attract sb 此外 appeal to还可意为 呼 吁 appeal to sb to do sth 呼吁某人做 某事 拓展 appealing adj 吸引人的 动人的 这些画对你产生吸引力了吗 Do these paintings 他对那职位本身并不感兴趣 但是薪水很 有诱惑力 The position as such but the salary is an attraction 运用 根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子 appeal to you does not appeal to him 5 date back to vt 回溯到 开始于 从 的时候存在 例句 Our partnership dates back to 1960 我们从1960年就合伙了 This castle dates back to Roman times 这个城堡可追溯到罗马时代 表示 追溯到 的短语还有 go back to trace back to date from date to等 但to date表 示 至今为止 美国对烟花的喜爱可以追溯至美国革命 时期 The American people s love for fireworks the American Revolution 这个传统同样追溯到早期的巴比伦人 That tradition also the early Babylonians 运用 根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子 dates back to dates back to 1 However it was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that the exploration of the botanical world began on a large scale 然而 直到18和19世纪人们对植物世界大规 模的探索才开始 句型 It is was not until that 直到 才 强调句型 实际上 直到6月4号潜艇才到达 基地 Actually the submarines arrived at the base 仿写 根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子 it was not until June 4th that 直到19世纪80年代才有了一致 的实验成果支持他的理论 there were consistent experimental findings to support his theory It was not until the l880s that 2 Not only did Fortune introduce over l20 species of plants to Western gardens but he also shipped 20