
必修二 Unit2TheOlympicGames Withtimegoingon becomingstrongerandstronger Withthestadiumsetup bargain homeland replace charge physical deserve ancient fine medal host toreplace medals Charged fined hosted responsible regulation competition competitive competitor admission voluntary hopeful advertisement advertiser painful painless hopeless competition volunteers volunteer voluntary competitors competitive competing hopes responsible responsibility Advertisers advertisements advertise hopeless 基础 根据 运动员 运动选手 座右铭 格言 警句 相像性 相似点 奴隶 现今 现在 快的 迅速的 露天大型 体育场 巫术的 魔术的 有魔力的 光荣 荣誉 海报 招贴 吉祥物 常客 猛冲 standfor pickup takepartin aswell playarolein asamatteroffact incharge in as a in in workout oneafteranother taketheplaceof apartfrom makeabargainwith reachthestandard onpurpose of the from out nor neitherwillI notonlyhelpstobuildupour butalsohelpsuslearn health asmuchanartas themore theharder with against competition competitors competitive competewithstudentsfromotherschoolsin admitted taking havingtaken to into admission admitmaking admitthatshe amistake hadmadeamistake with by toreplace toreplace totaketheplaceof inplaceof charging tocharge for of with inhischarge freeofcharge inchargeof toachieve deserves respecting toberespected deservesattention deservespayingattentionto tobepaidattentionto 在active前加an in in toattend totakepartin joinin joined 主张 拥护 代表 象征 忍受 容忍 can tstandbeinglaughedat standsout making make wasgiven Notonlycanthistrainingprogramincreaseyourincomeby40 butalsogiveyoualiftatwork aswellas does did Neither Nor socanhisbrother neitherwillI Itwasthesamewithus willmake better fewer ThemoretimeyoudevotetopracticingyourspokenEnglish themorefluentitwillbecome lazier admitting wasinterviewed bereplaced tohave as for out up nor neither regularly areadvertising responsibility what but started differences which tocompete as and tobeadmitted Tohost areawarded Swifter standforthefivecontinents takepartintheOlympicGames thecloser willbeadmittedascompetitors theharder aswell Thevolunteersofferhelp takingchargeof ThevolunteerswhoofferhelpfortheOlympicGamesarebecomingmoreandmorepopularaswell standforthefivecontinentsontheearth whichmeansanycountrycantakepartintheOlympicGames Thankyouforwatching