
2015 onwards, County County-6 townships field hospital personnel expenses according to 3800 per person per year into the budget allocated annually, effectively alleviate the hospital funding shortages. Third, accelerating the ination construction of township. In 2015, put on by the fiscal part, self-financing part of medical institutions, build his system of Township to County 6. Four were speeding up standardization construction of rural health institutions. According to autonomous regions Government on issued XX Uighur Autonomous Regions township hospitals and village health room standardization construction implementation programme of notification new deal do 2014 68th, spirit, the township hospitals according to standardization construction programme in the personnel configuration, and based facilities, and medical equipment, and service capacity four aspects specific requirements, is adjustment layout, and reasonable partition, and existing personnel optimization configuration, points three years strive to all reached standardization construction requirements. Currently, 2 hospitals Riverside Township Center Hospital in town, Torrey Town Center Hospital, 29 village clinics meet the standards. Five is active in “building Township health centers in satisfaction of the masses“. Job requirements ulated the “Township of XX County building to satisfy the crowd“ implementation programme, held startup, crowd-pleasing Township and in accordance with the construction of uation index system for mapping and advance work. VI effectively enhance disease prevention and control and full implementation of a free health emergency vaccination measures vaccination rates of more than 95.完 ... And citellus undulatus 3 strains of Yersinia pestis bacteria was detected in organ and the adoption of autonomous region confirmed; completion of Hydatid disease serum check b-1000, 100 people, 200 sheep in the County slaughterhouse inspection 1-2; test salt 300 residents, iodized salt, 297, was 99. Do a mortality surveillance work, 369 medical institutions to report the death card at all levels, a mortality rate of 2.3 per thousand. To further improve the County, Township and village levels and health emergency management system, constantly enrich the health emergency response teams, enhancing standardized management, and conscientiously implement the measles epidemic preparedness and response measures, continue to plague prevention and control work. VII the further strengthening of maternal and child health work further to strengthen maternal and child health service system and improve the management level and service quality of maternal and child health care institutions. 2015, County pregnancy maternal number 1400 people, system management 1235 people, management rate 88; hospital delivery live produced number 1391 people, hospital delivery rate for 99; no pregnancy maternal death; 3 age following children number 4648 people, system management 3956 people, management rate 85.12; 7 age following children number 9989 people, accept 1 times above health service 8460 people, coverage 84.69; annual live produced number 1400 people, newborn death number 9 people, mortality 7.56 ‰; 5 number of deaths of children under age 15, mortality in 12.61. Steadily implementation maternal and child health project, carried out rural pregnancy maternal hospital delivery grants 584 people, grants amount 292,000 yuan, completed 73; carried out agricultural and pastoral areas women free cervical cancer check 拍摄独特人像的7个摄影技巧 人是镜头前永远的主题,我们已经分享过不少拍摄人像的文章,总结性的例如『国家地理10个经典肖像』,『人像摄影中的13个拍摄灵感』,『给自己拍一张肖像Top5』,小Tips则不妨重温一下『肩部』和『用光』的技巧,下面这一篇中,有不少其实已经很经典的idea,只是以另一种运用的方式呈现出来。

1.改变视角 绝大多数人像照片都是在与眼睛平行的高度拍摄,换一个角度往往能完全改变一张照片的表现力,所以很多摄影老手都会告诉你不妨站在你能达到的最高点。当然,放低机位也会达到同样的目的。

2.改变模特的眼神 人物的眼睛往往是画面中最重要的部分,绝大多数肖像拍摄中模特都注视着镜头,自然而然地引起观看者与被拍摄者的“交流”;

眼神成为了构图的延伸 同一构图中的眼神交流http// 3.打破构图常规http// 打破经典的构图常规(三分法则)不仅仅需要勇气,还需要对场景的理解,如果你需要构成一种强势冲击力的效果,不妨尝试将模特放在画面的边缘。

如果没有眼神的“指向”,这张照片将非常失败(很快就复习到刚才的要点) 将模特至于画面的左侧,注意模特姿势对构图的影响 4.尝试特殊的用光 人像中有无数种用光的方式,侧光可以烘托气氛,双闪灯可以突出轮廓,当然还有各种创意光影方式,夜晚拍摄时别忘了B门哦 5.设计特别的动作http// 人像摄影是模特和摄影师共同完成的作品,一张精心策划的照片必然比呆板的拍摄更容易引起人们的关注,你可以利用模特的各种动作来构建你的画面,奔跑、跳跃都是非常棒的主题,当然,前提是你要准备好一台具有连拍功能的单反。

6.拍摄模特的局部特写 这是以前重复过很过很多很过很多很多遍以至于已经成为经典的技巧了,不过,并不是所有人都能真正拍出漂亮的特写照片,原因参考第1条关于视角的要点 7.拍一组照片 传说中的以量取胜可不是简单的连拍,如何从上百张照片里选取几张组成一幅作品是最考验后期编辑功底的事情,每一种排列都能产生特别的意味,答案并不唯一,但是每一个选择都体现了你对构图和故事的理解这可不是技巧能够解决的问题。

2009 Hasselblad Masters Awards 哈苏年度摄影师奖 2009年哈苏年度摄影师奖Hasselblad Masters Awards评选结果刚刚公布,今年一共有10名摄影师从近3000申请者中脱颖而出,获奖者作品将收录于哈苏的2009年度画册中今年的主题为”Emotion”。

链接More 『摄影奖项』L Hasselblad Masters Awards评选起始于2001年,今年是历史上申请提交最多的一次,本届评委包括Steve MCcurry、Anton Corbijin、Tim Flack等。

今年的获奖作品包括 『Fashion/时尚摄影』Dirk Rees,伦敦,英国大图 『General Photography』