[责任会计会计毕业论文-浅谈责任会计在商业连锁超市的应用研究] 毕业论文

浅谈责任会计在商业连锁超市的应用研究 摘 要 责任会计是指在分权管理条件下,为适应企业内部经济责任制的要求,在企业内部建立若干责任单位,对企业内部各责任中心的经济业务进行规划与控制,以实现业绩考核与评价的一种内部会计控制制度。





业绩考核 7 Abstract Accounting is the responsibility of management under the conditions of separation of powers, to meet the business requirements of the internal economic responsibility system, the enterprise responsible for the establishment of a number of units, the responsibility of the enterprise operations center for economic planning and control, in order to achieve performance and evaluation A system of internal accounting controls. In the twenty-first century, business has been the sole operator of the way to develop a diversified economy, various forms of business operations which flooded. Supermarket chains in which the business has become a major force in the business family. It as a new retail model, the rapid development in China. However, when the size of a modern enterprise that increasingly large, management-level is becoming more and more numerous, more complex organizations, the business leaders in order to effectively manage such a large economic organizations, it is necessary to own a part of the delegation of authority to mobilize at all levels management staff enthusiasm and initiative, they have decentralized management. In the decentralized management system, we must keep abreast of, evaluation and assessment at all levels, the work of various departments. It is the responsibility of accounting in order to solve the problems that arise, and become the management of the implementation of the necessary conditions for the separation of powers. In this work, 97 commercial chain stores as the background, from the establishment of responsibility for the cost center accounting, profit centers, cost centers, with responsibility for budget preparation, accounting responsibility for several aspects of performance, an analysis of the specific application of responsibility accounting, and summarized the application of the results but also the inadequacy of the application of the results pointed out the concept of strengthening the leadership and improve the quality of accounting personnel, and strengthen the responsibility of the establishment of such centers to improve the corresponding measures in the hope that the supermarkets have a certain role in guiding practice. Key words: Accounting;
Responsibility accounting;
Performance measurement 目 录 摘要Ⅰ AbstractⅡ 绪论1 1责任会计的概述2 1.1会计的含义 1.2责任会计的含义2 1.3责任会计的内容2 1.2.1 设置责任中心2 1.2.2 编制责任预算2 1.2.3 进行反馈控制2 1.2.4 建立奖罚制度 1.4 责任会计的原则3 2 九七商业连锁超市概述和责任会计在九七超市的应用介绍5 2.1 九七超市概述5 2.1.1 九七超市简介5 2.1.2 九七超市的特点5 2.2 责任会计在九七超市的应用6 2.2.1 建立责任会计的成本中心6 2.2.2 建立责任会计的费用中心6 2.2.3 建立责任会计的利润中心7 2.2.4 编制责任预算 2.2.5 责任会计业绩考核 3责任会计在九七超市应用的结果分析8 3.1应用责任会计为工作带来的优势8 3.1.1 有利于健全超市的管理体制8 3.1.2 调动部门员工的积极性8 3.1.3 提高员工的工作效率9 3.1.4 加强了利润中心的资金管理9 3.2 责任会计的应用工作存在的缺陷10 3.2.1 超市领导责任会计观念不够重视10 3.2.2 部分责任会计人员素质不能达到核算要求10 3.2.3 责任中心的划分与考评制度不够完善10 4 完善九七超市责任会计的措施 4.1主观方面 4.1.1 进行综合治理强化领导责任 4.1.2 提高会计人员的责任素质 4.1.3 从实际出发完善责任会计观念 4.2 客观方面 4.2.1 责任中心的划分要更加科学化 4.2.2 健全科学合理的考评制度 4.2.3 实施系统管理加强制度监控 结论12 致谢13 参考文献14 Appendix15 附录17 绪 论 责任会计则是企业管理的有效制度之一,它是为了促进现代企业制度的发展和完善,加强企业生产经营管理,提高现代企业的管理科学水平,有必要建立的一套比较健全的责任会计制度,以适应企业经营机制的转变,实现最佳经济效益和社会效益的。责任会计以划分责任中心,确定责任指标,实施绩效考核为基本内容的企业内部会计管理系统。它是将会计有关数据指标同责任部门或责任人相结合,进而将权、责、利紧密联系起来的一种内部控制制度。推行责任会计,实行责任成本核算不仅有利于控制企业经营耗费,而且有利于将企业总体经营目标同各责任层的经营指标有机地结合起来,从而促进企业加强财务管理和提高经营管理水平,达到控制耗费,提高经济效益的目的。



1 责任会计概述 1.1会计的含义 会计的是以货币为主要计量单位,以提高经济效益为主要目标,运用方法对企业,机关,事业单位和其他组织的经济活动进行全面,综合,连续,系统地核算和监督,并随着社会经济的日益发展,逐步开展预测,决策,控制和分析的一种经济管理活动,是经济管理的重要组成部分[1].。



1.2责任会计的含义 责任会计(responsibility accounting)作为现代管理会计的一个重要分支,是指在分权管理条件下,为适应企业内部经济责任制的要求,在企业内部建立若干责任单位,对企业内部各责任中心的经济业务进行规划与控制,以实现业绩考核与评价的一种内部会计控制制度。

