
Unit 4 单元检测题 一、 根据所给提示完成单词10分 1. L_____ ,we had enough money with us . We took a taxi at last. 2. My friend Lucy b_____ some s______ in the Gift Shop.. 3.He ate some bread and d______ some milk. 4.Maria w______ the first prize in yesterday’s singing c________. 5.In the park the girl student hurried to put on someone e____ coat. 6.We b______ our umbrellas and raincoats ,so we didn’t get w____. 7.The v______ from all over the world visited the museum. 二、汉译英30分 1开车兜风 2.睡过头,起得晚 3.一个忙碌的休息日 4.雨中去野营 5.做某事很开心 6.庭院旧货出售 7.某人的观点 8.去水族馆 9.闲逛,闲荡 10.得到某人的亲笔签名 11.观看一场海豚表演 12.在傍晚 13.疲劳但是很高兴 14.在学校郊游中 15.那之后 三、句型转换(45分) 1.What day is today用 March the fourth 改写 2.He told us to learn English hard.变为否定句 3. There were some sharks in the aquarium.一般疑问句 4. He bought something to eat from the store.一般疑问句,并作肯否定回答 5. Mr Green is leaving Shanghai for Japan tomorrow .用 last Wednesday 改写 6.Tina got Jack Dean’s autograph.就划线部分提问 7.I walked back there after the trip .同义句 8.It was windy the day before yesterday .就划线提问,两种做法 9.Cindy had fun going camping on her last day off . .就划线提问 10.They would like to go to Blue Water aquarium on their next holiday. 就划线提问 11.We need to put some relish on our super chicken sandwich 变成否定句和一般疑问句 12.Need you take the subway to school做肯否定回答 13.He needs some help with his piano lessons.否定句 14..How was your last day off 同义句 15.My mother did housework yesterday .否定句 四、完成句子(10分) 1.在休息日你都做什么了What did you do _____ ____ _____ _____ 2.没有人来到出售现场,因为天气是如此糟糕。No one ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ _____the bad weather. 3.最后,你能相信它吗_____ _____ _____,can you ____ it 4.那听起来真无聊。It _______ _______ boring. 5.班长在旅行之后打扫了公共汽车。The class _____ _____the bus ____ ____ ___. 五、根据课文填空(5分) How ___ your day off Did you have fun _____I didn’t have a very____ day.I ____my cousins.It_____all day.In the morning ,I______ in the house and _____DVDs ,In the afternoon ,Uncle Martin _____some of his old things out in the yard and____ a yard sale ._____,no one came ,because the weather was so bad.