


  傍晚的景色 The Scenery At Dusk

  In my hometown, the scenery is very beautiful, as I am so close to the nature, I can see the scenery clearly. The house I live in is in front of the mountain, so I can see the sunset every day, that is the scenery is like to appreciate most. When the dusk comes, the sunset is going down the mountain, I will stand in my garden, watching the sunset going down. The sunset will become more and more red as it goes down the mountain, when the dark comes, the sunset will disappear. I like to watch the sunset, I feel I am so close to the nature and I blend myself in it.



  我最喜欢的运动——篮球 My Favorite Sport--Basketball

  Among all the sports, I likebasketball most. It is both an indoor and outdoor sport. People in everywherelike to play or watch this game.I also liketo watch people playing basketball on TV. I often play it with some friendsafter school, and sometimes we play it on Sunday afternoon. I am very good atbasketball, but I am not the best player in my team. Basketball can make mehappy and healthy, and I really enjoy playing it.



  国庆节计划 My Plans on National Day

  Every person loves the National Day, because they will have the holiday and can take some rest. For me, I am so looking forward to the holiday, I have made some plans. First, I will take a visit to my grandparents. I haven’t seen them for more than two months, I have promised them to visit them. Staying with my grandparents always brings me happy memories. Second, my family decided to have the picnic with my uncles. The families always have some activities, so that we can keep in touch. I can play with my cousins, we are intimate friends. It is good to have the family get together. I am sure I will have a good time.


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