
Book 8 Module 1 Aims to review some useful words, phrases and key sentences. I. Words Revision 1. __________ adj.极端的 __________ adv. 2. ____________ adj.商业的 ___________ n. 3. ________ n.勘查 _______ vt. 探险 _______ n. 考察者4. ______ adj. 艰难的 _______ adv. 5. _______ v. 使陷入困境n.陷阱 _____________ 被困在_____________诱骗某人做某事 6. __________ adj.仪式性的__________ 仪式 7. _________ adj.不正常的 ________ 反义词 8. ________ n.刺眼的光 v.怒目而视 __________ v.瞥见 _________ v.盯着看 9. ___________ n.可靠性 _________ adj. _______ v. 10. ________ n.深度 ________ adj. 11. ___________ v.促进;
推销 __________________被晋升为 ____________ n. 12. _________ v.阻止;使灰心 ______________ 阻止某人作某事 __________ adj.令人泄气的 _________ adj.感到泄气的 ____________ n. 灰心 __________ 反义词_________n.勇气 13. __________ n.鼓舞; 灵感 _______ vt.激励 14. _________ adj.最小数 ________ 反义词 15. __________ adj.常规的 _________ n. 16. ________ n.特权;
荣幸 ____________ 是荣幸 17. _____ adj.棘手的 ____ n.戏法 v.欺骗 ___________ 捉弄某人 __________骗某人做某事 18. _________ n.紧急情况 _____________ 紧急情况时 ___________ adj.新兴的;
紧急的 19. ________ n. 日出 ________ n.日落 _________ n. 黎明 _________ n. 黄昏 20. ______ n.状态;
政府/ v. 声明;
陈述 _____________ 处于状态 __________ n.声明 _____________发表声明 21. ____________ 突出 ___________ 代表 22. _________ 如果 _________ 决不 __________ 在这种情况下 _____________ 常有的事 23. ______________________ 第一个登陆南极的人 _________________ 唯一迟到的人 ____________着手做某事 __________ 出发 _________ 留出 _____________ 树立榜样 II. Use the proper of the phrases above or the given words to complete the sentences. 1. He ____________ the crashed car and couldn’t move his legs. 2. Tom _____________ monitor of his class in the election. 3. He often __________ some time to accompany his son every week. 4. Our daughter is a great dancer, who _________ above the rest. 5. __________________ him, he is fined for speeding. 6. We ought to be focusing on ___________ kids ______ smoking. 7. “Anyone else would have done the same thing,” he said with typical _________ .modest 8. Experts say men are more likely to develop __________ in reaction to the stress. depress 9. They ________ me when I first arrived in London as a student. friend 10. The building was closed ________ on the grounds of safty. pure II. Grammar 1. Only on the island _______ the flowers _______ wild. grow 2. Only when he returned home _______ he ______ what had happened. realize 3. Not until the teacher came in ______ the students ______ talking. stop It was _________ the teacher came in _______ the students stopped talking. 4. _________ to the music is the favorite pastime of many people all over the world. listen 5. _________ abroad is my greatest desire. study 6. _____ is known to us that happiness doesn’t necessary go with money. _____ is known to us is that happiness / _____ is known to us, happiness. 2